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Valheim Guide: Iron Ore Locations

Valheim Guide: Iron Ore Locations

Here’s everything you need to know about Iron Ore and where to find it in Valheim

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Iron Ore can be used to craft some of the best Valheim armor, as well as creating stronger, more durable structures and tools. It’s not the easiest thing to find, so here’s our guide on how to get it.

You’ll need to get the Swamp Key by beating The Elder, in the Black Forest – once you’ve done that, you’ll need to look for the swamp to get access to the Sunken Crypts. It’ll show up on your map as a darker area after you discover it.

Before venturing in to the swamp and the Sunken Crypts, we’d recommend setting up a small camp with a workbench and a portal. It’ll save you a lot of time, especially if you need to respawn at any point. Make sure you’re stocked up on food and potions – and take at least two pickaxes.

You might also want to buy Megingjord from Haldor the merchant, so you can increase your carry limit to 450.

You’ll face plenty of enemies in the swamp before you reach the Sunken Crypts – the Draugr, Blobs and Surtlings. Having a good shield will make a huge difference here.

How to mine Iron Ore

The Sunken Crypts are similar to the tombs, but far more difficult. Start by clearing out the enemies and then look for Muddy Scrap Piles – you can mine the iron ore with your pickaxe, and then return to your camp once you’ve maxed out your weight.

You can also find iron scraps in the chests within the crypt, so don’t miss those! And keep an eye out for runestones which could reveal the location of the boss Bonemass.

You’ll need to make multiple trips to the crypt to mine all the iron that’s available.

Get your smelter up and running (20 x stone and 5 x surtling core) and then you can start using coal to smelt iron. You’ll need 2 x coal to make one iron. Iron scraps will yield the same as Iron Ore.

What can you craft with Iron?

  • Iron atgeir
  • Iron axe
  • Iron pickaxe
  • Battleaxe
  • Huntsman bow
  • Ironhead arrow
  • Iron sword
  • Iron longsword
  • Iron helmet
  • Iron scale mail
  • Iron greaves
  • Iron tower shield
  • Iron nails
  • Iron mace
  • Banded shield

Iron Building Recipes

Smith's anvil
Forge toolrack
Wood iron pole
Wood iron beam
Iron gate
Reinforced chest
Personal chest
Standing iron torch

How to get Bronze in Valheim

After defeating the first boss in Valheim, you will earn the ability to mine ore. Here are some tips on how to easily locate tin and copper in the Black Forest.


Editor, MGG EN. Glasgow poet, writer and other fashionable things. I spend so long polishing grammar I can see my face in it.

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