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Valheim Boss Guide: How to summon and defeat Moder

Valheim Boss Guide: How to summon and defeat Moder

After defeating Bonemass and entering the Mountain Biome, it's time to face the next boss in Valheim. In this guide, we walk you through how to summon and defeat the fourth boss, Moder

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There are five bosses you’ll need to defeat in Valheim. Each boss marks the end of a chapter in your journey through Valheim. In this guide we’ll walk you through how to summon and defeat the fourth boss, Moder.

After defeating Bonemass, it's time to find Moder. Remember, it's cold in the Mountains so make sure you're prepared with warm clothing and plenty of Frost Resistance Mead. While exploring the Mountains, you'll come across stone structures — it's in one of these that you'll find the Runestone with the boss' location. Interact with it to add the marker to your map.

Prepare for the Fight

Before you go looking for Moder, you should prepare yourself for the coming fight. 

You'll need Wolf Armor for this fight — it provides Frost resistance, which is key for a fight in the freezing mountains. In terms of weapons, this battle will mostly take to the skies, so make sure you're well stocked up on arrows, especially Fire Arrows or Needle arrows which do damage over time. Craft yourself a Draugr Fang bow for the extra edge. And don't forget your melee weapons, like a Silver Sword. 

And don't forget food and as well as meads — especially Frost Resistance Mead if you don't have Wolf Armor. 

How to Summon Moder

Now that you’re prepared for the battle to come, it’s time to make your way to the Mystical Altar. You'll need three Dragon Eggs to summon her — these can be obtained from nests which are being guarded by Drakes.

Once you've collected the Dragon Eggs, place them in the slots on the Altar. Remember, these eggs are the heaviest items in the game — coming in at a hefty 200kg — and they cannot be transported via Portal. So you'll need to make a few treks back and forth, we would recommend recruiting some friends to help carry eggs, or for protection. 

The Fight against Moder

The fight against Moder will be in two phases: Airborne and Ground Level. SO make sure you have both a bow and a melee weapon!


  • When Moder is in the air she will send shards of ice which will hit you and the ground. These shards can do a lot of damage, so avoid being hit by them. They will also remain on the ground and hinder your movement, so make sure to destroy them as much as possible. Use your bow and fire at Moder while she's flying around, and keep moving!
  • If you're hit by these shards you will take Frost damage and be slowed for a few seconds

Ground Level:

  • Moder will use her wings to swipe at you, you'll be able to see these attacks coming so make use of your dodge abilities
  • Moder rears her head back and tries to bite you, again use your dodge abilities
  • Moder also releases a blizzard like stream of breath which causes Frost damage

Avoid her attacks as best you can, and use your shield to defend yourself.

Rewards for Defeating Moder

Eikthyr will drop a trophy and 10 x Dragon Tear, which you will need to build the Artisan Table

Hanging the Moder trophy grants you a Forsaken Power that will allow you to control the direction while sailing. 

Additional content by Robin "Raiden" Bouquet.


Editor, MGG EN. Glasgow poet, writer and other fashionable things. I spend so long polishing grammar I can see my face in it.

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