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Monster Hunter Rise: Rampage Mode

Monster Hunter Rise: Rampage Mode

Rampage is a new game mode in Monster Hunter Rise. Our guide will help you to defend the gate from the hordes of monsters.

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Monster Hunter Rise introduces a new and radically different type of quest called Rampage. It asks hunters to defend the gates that lead to the village of Kamura. Here is what you will need to do, once you have mastered the basics of hunting.

  • It is possible to play alone or with up to four players. However, this mode is more suitable for a group of four hunters.
  • The first thing to do is to set up siege weapons in the designated slots in the fortress area. Some of them need to be controlled by the hunters, so it's best to place them near things you want to interact with, be it monsters or the Dragonator lever. Automated defences are controlled by the villagers, so it's best to place them at distance, with a line of sight appropriate to their type.
  • There are many secondary objectives to complete, such as repelling monsters with a certain type of siege weapon or using status effects. Completing these objectives will level up the fortress, which will unlock new types of area defences, as well as better rewards at the end of the mission.
Monster Hunter Rise: Rampage Mode
Monster Hunter Rise: Rampage Mode
  • The different inhabitants of the Kamura can be summoned briefly to assist you during critical moments. But this is only valid once for each of them.
  • You are warned about the type of monster approaching for each wave of the horde. Take this into account during your preparations. There are four categories of monsters in the horde: those with a blue icon will focus on the gates and you need to kill them quickly to prevent them from progressing to the final gate; those with a red icon will focus on the hunters, which will hinder you; the ones with a green icon are able to fly and they throw projectiles at the defences first. Finally, the boss of each horde is marked with a pink/purple icon. It must be killed or occupied long enough to win.
  • When the gong sounds, all hunters get a massive damage bonus.
Upper Arzuros
  • Some hordes are led by an Apex Monster that is far more formidable than the other bosses and their base species. They have devastating special abilities.

Original content by Robin "Raiden Robin" Bouquet

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Amélie Marot

Freelancer, translator and novel writer. Full-time FFXIV player since 2013, loves fluff and Japanese animation.

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