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LoL, TFT: Ninjas/Assassins Composition Guide

LoL, TFT: Ninjas/Assassins Composition Guide

There are a lot of different and powerful compositions in Teamfight Tactics. In this article, we focus on the Ninjas/Assassins composition — which is one the best current compositions of the game thanks to its monstrous burst damage.

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Today, we would like to introduce to you one of the most powerful compositions of the current Teamfight Tactics' meta. Give a warm welcome to Ninjas and Assassins, because — trust us — you're going to love seeing them landing critical strikes everywhere.

Know your Leader

Your main Champions is Akali, meaning you should pick her as soon as possible — but also that it might be a smart idea to keep some of your items on your bench, in order to build her properly.

Luden's Echo (Tear + Rod) is one of these items that you would like to have equipped on her, as well as Rabadon (Rod + Rod). Seraph's Embrace (Tear + Tear) literally allows Akali to cast her ability each second.

If you feel you need some protection — especially when facing VoliBrawlers or other Assassins-centered compositionsPhantom Dancer (Bow + Armor) is the way. Due to the current state of the meta, you don't have to fear Sorcerers at all, meaning you don't need any Magic Resistance. However, if the meta shifts — which it should with the 9.14b Patch — a Dragon's Claw (Cloak + Cloak) could become handy.

Level 9 Dream Team

Version 1: Wilds Subtype

The Ninjas/Assassins composition is actually a Level 8 lineup, and you should not aim for the Level 9. However, if you manage to stay alive long enough, you might consider adding a Gnar — who'll synergize with Rengar — or a Demon (such as Aatrox, Swain or Elise)

Version 2: Imperials Demons Subtype

  • Instead of Gnar, you might consider playing Swain if you want to benefit from the Demon buff.
  • You can also switch Rengar for Katarina, unlocking the Imperials bonus on both Swain and Katarina

Version 3: Elementalists Subtype

  • You will only benefit from the (3) Assassins buff, but you will unlock the (3) Elementalists buff. The Golem acts as a decoy and is a perfect tool to avoid your units being one-shot by a fully built hyper-carry.
  • While they have the strongest physical damage of the game — hello Critical Strikes — Assassins often lacks Magic Damage. Thanks to Anivia, Kennen and Brand you will be able to add AoE damage as well as some Crowd Control effects to your composition.
  • This subtype version of the composition can be reached at Level 7, meaning you will have an earlier power spike.
  • After reaching Level 7 with a Ninja / Elementalists / Assassins composition, you will often find yourself struggling to pick other units. Even Tier 5 Units will look like a loss of time and money.
  • You can go for Demons if you ditch your Pyke for a Katarina and pick Swain as your eight Champion.
  • Following this idea, Yasuo might be a good addition as a ninth, as he belongs to that kind of Champion who doesn't really need any synergies to be played.
  • However, if you manage to get a Youmuu's Ghostblade (Spatula + BF) then you will have the possibility to play the "ultimate" version of this subtype. Just check below...

Version 4: ULTIMATE Elementalists Subtype

  • Thanks to Youmuu, your Kennen can become an Assassin, allowing you to combine (3) Elementalist buff with both (6) Assassins and (4) Ninjas
  • Feel free to pick any Assassin to get the (6) Assassins bonus: because it's mandatory to have Akali and Zed, and because your Kennen will already unlock the (3) Assassins bonus, you will need to choose your three units among Katarina, Kha'Zix, Rengar, and Evelynn. You just have to ditch the one you can't get or you like the less.

Items Build Guide

In Teamfight Tactics, the number of items you get will often directly impact your final ranking. Some people tend to spread their items among Champions, but we strongly recommend you to stack your items on one to three carries instead. Following this idea, keep in mind that you won't be able to give three items to all of your Units.

However, if you want to know which items suit the best to each Champion, check our dedicated guide!

Champions to prioritize:

  • Akali: Luden's Echo (mandatory), Seraph's Embrace, Dragon's Claw or Phantom Dancer (either if your facing Sorcerers or Assassins)
  • Brand: Seraph's Embrace, Rabadon, Morellomonicon
  • Kennen: Bloodthirster, Rapid Firecannon, Youmuu's Ghostblade (only within the Version 4)
  • Katarina: Seraph's Embrace, Rabadon, Hextech Gunblade
  • Pyke: Spear of Shojin, Spear of Shojin, Morellomonicon


  • Shen: Warmog's, Warmog's, Thornmail
  • Rengar: Infinity Edge, Rapid Firecannon, Bloodthirster
  • Evelynn: Seraph's Embrace, Rabadon, Hextech Gunblade
  • Gnar: Titanic Hydra, Warmog's, Red Buff
  • Kha'Zix: Rapid Firecannon, Spear of Shojin, Spear of Shojin

The multi-buffs strategy:

While no one can deny that focusing on one hyper-carry is currently the most efficient way to distribute your items, Assassins also excels when they're buffed by aura items.

  • Locket of the Iron Solari to get some Shield
  • Zeke's Herald to get some Attack Speed

Keep in mind that these two items only have an effect on one line - two tiles on the left and right of the champion wearing the item: you will need to position your Champions accordingly.

Aiming at Top 1, step by step

Currently, the Ninja/Assassins composition is one of the strongest of the meta. That being said, the lineup is not really easy to assemble and might require some early rerolls.


  • You are weak until you get your (3) Assassins buff. Even with it, you might fall behind during the first rounds, except if you manage to get a Pyke or a Zed from the first Carousel.
  • Keep in mind that you need to get Kha'Zix really quickly: because of how probabilities work in TFT, the more you wait, the harder it will become to get him.
  • It might be a good idea to invest in the (3) Pirate buff as it is pretty easy to get a Graves and a Gangplank in the early game. You will then switch Pirates' Champions for other ones.
  • Going for the Void bonus might be a good idea as well — just to be sure that you have at least one synergy operating.


  • Instead of going for the (6) Assassins, try first to get your four Ninjas (Zed, Shen, Kennen, Akali). Place either Zed or Akali on the board to benefit from the (1) Ninja buff until you get all of them.
  • You can theoretically achieve the (3) Assassins + (4) Ninja composition at Level 5, but getting Akali before Level 6 could be pretty hard as you only have a 3% chance to get a Tier 4 Unit at Level 5, rising to 10% at Level 6.
  • If you're going for the Wild Version, keep in mind that Gnar would also be pickable from Level 5.
  • If you're going for the Elementalist Version, remember to pick Lissandra and Brand.


  • Starting from Level 7, your composition will reach its ultimate power-spike — meaning you probably should invest all your money into upgrades. However, depending on the state of your composition, leveling-up to 8 might be the better play.
  • In the current metagame, Assassins tend to get destroyed by Brawlers, especially when they're lead by Volibear. Consider building one or several Locket of the Iron Solari in order to beat these compositions.
TFT Guide - Sorcerers/Yordles/Knights Composition

There is no limit to the number of compositions you can build in Teamfight Tactics. Today, we focus on a lineup centered around Sorcerers, Yordles and Knights traits. Very resilient, and also capable of inflicting heavy damages, this is one the current meta best compositions.

Thomas "Calo" Sauzin

Head of Portal League of Legends ?? — Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo

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