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Fire Emblem Three houses: Monastery, lesson plans, teaching, skills

Fire Emblem Three houses: Monastery, lesson plans, teaching, skills
General & Timetable

Back to school on Nintendo Switch, get ready to be a teacher or coach in FE 3 houses. Your students will need to be trained to become great fighters ready to save the world. However, they will have to increase their skills and arms control before that.

Fire Emblem Three houses: Monastery, lesson plans, teaching, skills
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Fire Emblem Three Houses takes a radically different turn from its predecessors by introducing the Officers' Academy, in which your protagonist, Byleth, will have to serve as a teacher for the students of one of the 3 houses. During the first phase of the game, you will have a limited period of time during which you will have to manage your actions at the academy, in preparation for the second part which will take place 5 years later. Your past actions will obviously have a huge impact on the fate of your students. In any case, you will be the slave of the calendar, time will be your most precious resource. Students should be trained as effectively as possible while making the best possible use of special events (birthdays, etc.) and opportunities (tournaments, battles related to a character's story). It seems that in total you will have 12 months. In any case, it is not without reminding us of the Persona series, but with a reversed role.

This facet of the gameplay is very vast and varied, with many possible choices. We will list those known until the game is released and more detailed guides for each individual item.

Too bad your temporal power doesn't allow you to have 72-hour days.

Calendar & activities

After each game phase, the calendar will automatically move to the next one. When there is a special event on a given day, you will be asked what you want to do. For example, if you want to participate in the festivities on a special day, or if you want to spend gold to buy flowers for a student on her birthday.

The first days of the week are normally dedicated to classes, and you will have little freedom outside their content, but weekends will give you plenty of choice, from seminars to tidy up battles, fishing and complete rest. Their content will be dealt with in another article.

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