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TFT LoL Patch 9.18 Guide — Current meta best comps, champions & items

TFT LoL Patch 9.18 Guide — Current meta best comps, champions & items
Compositions, Champions & Items

Wondering how you can climb the ladder after each new patch? We at Millenium have got your back! Compositions, champions, items — in this dedicated article, we give you everything you need to know about Teamfight Tactics Patch 9.18.

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There's no micro-patch for Teamfight Tactics this week, since Riot decided not to nerf the Kassassin composition. Even though the whole community seems to be complaining about how broken this comp is, we will likely need to wait until patch 9.19 to see the meta shift again.

Still lost? Wondering how to play Patch 9.18? You're in the right place!

Best Compositions


This horror is still dominating the meta — and Riot doesn't seem to be planning a nerf. The only thing you need in order to actually consider building this lineup is a Spatula within the first Caroussel. Combine a BF Sword with this Spatula, give it to your Kassadin, and enjoy the ride. You need to aim for Voids such as Kha'Zix and Rek'Sai, and Cho'Gath will eventually replace her.

Elementalist Rangers

Since the Attack Speed cap was raised to 5 and after their buff, Rangers found back their place into the meta. Paired with Rangers and Elementalists, most compositions of this archetype revolve around Ashe played as an hyper-carry. You don't actually need to play four Rangers, which means that you'll need to aim for Kindred. Elementalists are really interesting in this composition since most of their champions are also Glacials — meaning you can reach the (4) Glacials pretty easily. Keep in mind that you'll need specific items to build your Ashe, one of them being the Runaan's Hurricane.

Yordle Sorcerers Shapeshifters/Sorcerers

This composition is especially strong because it revolves around the best champions of the current meta: Gnar, Sejuani, Shyvana and Aurelion Sol. It's probably one of the most versatile compositions of the current meta since you can easily rotate from Shapeshifters to Sorcerers according to the distribution of items. With both Gnar and Sejuani, you'll also have the two strongest CC of the entire game...

Top Champions

Aurelion Sol

Guinsoo's Rageblade, Spear of Shojin, Morellonomicon

Our beloved Dragon continues blasting the Convergence with his incredibly powerful ability. Because of his burst damage, Aurelion Sol is currently the best AP hyper-carry of the current patch


Dragon Claw, Warmog's, Bloodthirster

The only problem with Gnar used to be his mana pool: he was taking ages to transform. Starting with patch 9.17, his mana pool was changed from 125 to 100 — something that might sound pointless, but which is actually huge.

What makes Gnar strong isn't only the incredible amount of HP he has when transformed, but also the ability he casts when he does. A 2s stun AoE that also destroys the consistency of your enemy positions... what else?


Frozen Heart, Guardian Angel, Morellonomicon

Sejuani is so incredibly strong in the current patch that she can fit in any composition. You don't even need synergies nor items to make her strong, but if you manage to pull the (4) Knight off, she literally becomes the best frontline champion of the game.


Hextech Gunblade, Warmog's, Guinsoo's Rageblade

Paired with Pantheon or Aurelion Sol, Shyvana suddenly becomes almost unsensible to magical damage (83% magic resistance) — something huge in a meta heavily centered around Sorcerers and magical damage. Once she's transformed, her basic attack is reinforced with a 300 damage burn over 3 seconds — making her the best AD hyper-carry of this current patch.

Items to target


In a meta centered around Shapeshifters and Sorcerers, the possibility to silence a champion and prevent him from casting his ability is super strong.

Especially powerful when playing Rangers or Gunslingers, Hush will allow you to 'lock' one champion from your enemy — almost guaranteeing that he will never cast his ability.

Guinsoo's Rageblade

This item fits in almost every composition, especially since having it in early-game will probably ensure your first winning streak. Because of the new Attack Speed cap, Guinsoo's Rageblade is almost mandatory on all AD centered compositions. In other words, Shyvana and Ashe need this item to reach their full potential.

Dragon's Claw

Did we explain that the current meta was swarmed with AP damage compositions?

Dragon's Claw helps one of your frontline champions to survive the incredible burst that's coming from Sorcerers. If you're losing most of your fights because of your frontline collapsing under an AP burst, then it might be interesting to build this item.


It's never bad to aim for Spatula. Never.

It brings versatility, consistency, and possibilities — allowing you to find strategies that would have been impossible otherwise.

If you don't know what to pick during the Carousel phase, just pick a Spatula.

Both Warmog's Armor and Guardian Angel also deserve an honorable mention, but they're both situational.

1 Comment
Thomas Sauzin
Thomas "Calo" Sauzin

Head of Portal League of Legends 🇫🇷 — Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo

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