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TFT LoL Patch 9.19 Guide — Current meta best comps, champions & items

TFT LoL Patch 9.19 Guide — Current meta best comps, champions & items
Compositions, Champions & Items

Wondering how you can climb the ladder after each new patch? We at Millenium have got your back! Compositions, champions, items — in this dedicated article, we give you everything you need to know about Teamfight Tactics Patch 9.19.

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Patch 9.19 just hit the liver servers of Teamfight Tactics, with a legion of changes. With the introduction of Kai'Sa and the Sparring Gloves, the least we can say is that the current meta is upside down! Following our first article on the subject, we argued that Assassins — and especially Akali — were dominating the meta, again.

Well, if this statement remains true, you might have noticed that the meta introduced by the latest patch is actually far more complex... Because forcing the same composition over and over again won't help you understand the game, we debunk the best compositions, champions, items, and strategies in this dedicated article.

Best Compositions

Imperial Knights

The strongest composition of the current meta
So much damage that CC doesn't even matter
You need two Spatulas
You need to find Swain and Kayle
It's a VERY late-game composition...

This composition is without a doubt the strongest of the current meta — but it implies so much luck that you won't be able to pull it off all the time. First of all, you will need two Spatulas to craft a Darkin and a Blade of the Ruined King — which means you'll be heavily relying on item drops. For instance, if you don't manage to find the required items to build both a Morellonomicon and a Guardian Angel, you'll need to start thinking about another composition. However, if you manage to build it, you will benefit from the following bonuses:

  • (3) Blademaster: Draven + Yasuo + BotrK Kayle
  • (4) Knights: Darius + Poppy + Sejuani
  • (4) Imperials: Darius + Darkin Katarina + Draven + Swain
  • (2) Demons: Darkin Katarina + Swain

This composition is pretty hard to play because you need to find specific champions. You absolutely need the four Imperials — meaning it's almost mandatory to find Darius during the early stages of the game. You will then struggle to survive since your composition will be uncomplete until you find Swain.

Kennen is a nice substitute because he will carry the Morellonomicon and the Guardian Angel that will then be equipped to Swain. Any Blademaster can replace Yasuo until you find him so he's not really a problem, however surviving long enough to complete the line-up is.

To play this composition you need to understand how to rotate from a line-up to another since your Imperials won't reach their potential until you get Draven and Swain.

  • Knights are the core class of the composition and you should aim for the (4) bonus as soon as possible. Mordekaiser and Garen will work until you get Poppy and Sejuani. Do not try to three-star them.
  • Before the rotation, you can either go for Blademasters or for Demons. Since he'll synergize with your Darkin Katarina, Aatrox is obviously the best pick-up until you find Yasuo and Swain.

You should only play this composition if:

  • You feel really confident about your skill;
  • You are insanely lucky on item and champions drop.

Wild Ninja Assassins

Easy to play
Compared to Imperials, it's not that hard to find the four Ninjas
Spatulas aren't mandatory
Heavily relies on Akali
Countered by Phantom Dancer and Dragon's Claw
Lacks CC

Don't get us wrong, Tier S compositions are never really easy to play. However, finding the four Ninjas is definitely easier than finding four Imperials — just because Akali is a Tier 4 champion. The good point about this composition is the versatility since you can choose either to build your Rengar or your Akali — depending on which items you're going to drop.

  • If you're dropping Bows, Gloves or BF, then it's time to equip your kitty cat;
  • If you're dropping Tears or Rods, go for Akali ;
  • Overall, your Cloaks, Belt and Vests should go on your Gnar as soon as you're finding him.

If you manage to pull off this composition, you will benefit from the following bonuses:

  • (4) Wild: Nidalee, Ahri, Rengar, Gnar
  • (4) Ninjas: Shen, Zed, Kennen, Akali
  • (3) Assassins: Zed, Akali, Rengar

First of all, try to find the (4) Wild bonus by picking Warwick, Nidalee, Ahri, and Rengar — you will then get rid of Warwick to replace him with Gnar. Pick Zed and Shen during the early stages, and complete your roster with any Assassin to reach the (3) bonus.

Now, you need to pick Kennen and Akali as soon as possible to complete the line-up. Overall, your composition should already be strong when you reach Level 7. Before reaching Level 8, you need to take a decision: having the (4) Wild bonus is stronger than having the (4) Ninja one because it will help you counter Yordles and Dodge mechanics. However, if you don't have your two-stars Gnar, the four Ninjas are certainly stronger.

Yordle Sorcerer Shapeshifters — Version 1

Sejuani FTW
(2) Wild bonus makes your Gnar transform faster
(3) Yordles bonus is easy to get and pretty efficient
Heavily countered by (4) Wild compositions
Less CC than Version 1

Yordle Sorcerer Shapeshifters — Version 2

60% Dodge is incredibly strong
Lulu is super strong in the early and mid-game
Heavily countered by (4) Wild compositions
Less Damage than Version 2

What makes these two compositions strong is the fact that you have the choice to aim for more damage or more CC, depending on the compositions driven by other players of your lobby. Overall, your itemization will be pretty much the same:

  • Shyvana and Aurelion Sol are your main damage dealer and should carry most of your items, depending on your drops.
  • Poppy and Gnar are your frontline — but don't give any item to Poppy: Gnar should wear all your tank items (Dragon's Claw if your facing AP damage compositions, Phantom Dancer if your lobby is filled with Assassins, Warmog's Armor... in any cases)

If you manage to pull off this composition, you will benefit from the following bonuses:

Version 1

  • (2) Wild: Ahri, Gnar
  • (3) Yordles: Lulu, Poppy, Gnar
  • (2) Dragons: Shyvana, Aurelion Sol
  • (3) Shapeshifters: Shyvana, Gnar, Swain
  • (3) Sorcerers: Ahri, Lulu, Aurelion Sol

Version 2

  • (6) Yordles: Lulu, Kennen, Poppy, Veigar, Mittens Shyvana, Gnar
  • (2) Dragons: Shyvana, Aurelion Sol
  • (3) Shapeshifters: Shyvana, Gnar, Swain
  • (3) Sorcerers: Lulu, Veigar, Aurelion Sol

To decide between the two versions, you only need one indicator: an early Spatula that allows you to transform your Shyvana into a Yordle. Take a moment to consider this: she's a Dragon, so she gets 75% magic resistance. Now, if she can also dodge 30% of incoming attacks... Yeah, you got it: Yordle Shyvana is an unkillable machine of war.

It's quite tricky to argue which version is better. Thanks to the Wild bonus, Version 1 allows Gnar to transform faster — and the outcome of late-game rounds are often based on which side will CC the first. However, Version 2 makes your Shyvana incredibly resilient...

In either case, you need to build your composition around Shapeshifters and use your Yordles as a meat shield to protect your carries. That's right — Veigar isn't here to do damage, but rather to tank. It's quite different for Lulu since her ability his actually really strong in the early game. In any case, don't rely on them in late game: they're here to die, just to make sure Aurelion Sol and Shyvana can obliterate your opponent.

Any Shapeshifter will fit until you get Swain, but we strongly suggest you go for Nidalee since she will enable the (2) Wild bonus during a few rounds. Swain isn't mandatory but he's surely better than other Shapeshifters, especially if you manage to give a Darkin to your Gnar.

Top Champions


Seraph's Embrace, Hextech Gunblade, Infinity Edge

After being THE top tier champion for several weeks, Akali was struck by the nerf hammer so hard that it felt into oblivion. Well, fellow Ninja players, brace yourselves because the Rogue Assassin is back to one-shot all carries with her Five Point Strike.

Aurelion Sol

Guinsoo's Rageblade, Spear of Shojin, Morellonomicon

Our beloved Dragon continues blasting the Convergence with his incredibly powerful ability. Because of his burst damage, Aurelion Sol is currently the best AP hyper-carry of the current patch


Dragon Claw or Phantom Dancer, Warmog's, Bloodthirster

The only problem with Gnar used to be his mana pool: he was taking ages to transform. Starting with patch 9.17, his mana pool was changed from 125 to 100 — something that might sound pointless, but which is actually huge.

What makes Gnar strong isn't only the incredible amount of HP he has when transformed, but also the ability he casts when he does. A 2s stun AoE that also destroys the consistency of your enemy positions... what else?


Frozen Heart, Guardian Angel, Morellonomicon

Sejuani is so incredibly strong in the current patch that she can fit in any composition. You don't even need synergies nor items to make her strong, but if you manage to pull the (4) Knight off, she literally becomes the best frontline champion of the game.


Hextech Gunblade, Warmog's, Guinsoo's Rageblade


Mittens, Warmog's, Guinsoo's Rageblade

Paired with Pantheon or Aurelion Sol, Shyvana suddenly becomes almost unsensible to magical damage (75% magic resistance) — something huge in a meta heavily centered around Sorcerers and magical damage. Once she's transformed, her basic attack is reinforced with a 200 damage burn over 3 seconds — making her the best AD hyper-carry of this current patch.

Items to target

Guinsoo's Rageblade

This item fits in almost every composition, especially since having it in early-game will probably ensure your first winning streak. Because of the new Attack Speed cap, Guinsoo's Rageblade is almost mandatory on all AD centered compositions. In other words, Shyvana and Ashe need this item to reach their full potential.

Dragon's Claw

Did we explain that the current meta was swarmed with AP damage compositions?

Dragon's Claw helps one of your frontline champions to survive the incredible burst that's coming from Sorcerers. If you're losing most of your fights because of your frontline collapsing under an AP burst, then it might be interesting to build this item.


It's never bad to aim for Spatula. Never.

It brings versatility, consistency, and possibilities — allowing you to find strategies that would have been impossible otherwise.

If you don't know what to pick during the Carousel phase, just pick a Spatula.

Phantom Dancer

In a meta heavily centered around Assassins, Phantom Dancer allows your carries to survive — final point. This item is almost mandatory if your lobby is filled with Assassin compositions.

Giant Slayer


Without a doubt, Giant Slayer is the big surprise of this patch. Give it to your AD carries such as Shyvana or Draven and enjoy the ride to 10k damage.

Thief's Gloves

That's magical: with one item, you can transform a 'regular' champion into a carry. Especially strong in the early game, Thief's Gloves aren't really reliable since you don't actually choose which items they will generate. In the worst-case scenario, they will give stats anyway.

Guardian Angel

Guardian Angel has always been good because it guarantees that its wearer will actually cast his spell, even if he gets CCd.

TFT 9.19 Patch notes — Kai'Sa and the Sparring Gloves break the meta.

We already knew about the Sparring Gloves being delayed to patch 9.19, however, the arrival of Kai'Sa is a piece of hot news! This is the biggest patch Teamfight Tactics has ever received... check it out!

Thomas Sauzin
Thomas "Calo" Sauzin

Head of Portal League of Legends 🇫🇷 — Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo

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