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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: How to unlock watches

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: How to unlock watches

In this article, we will tell you how to unlock a watch for your operator in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: How to unlock watches
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In Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, it is possible to unlock a variety of watches for your operator. But what's its use? How do you get one? This guide will tell you everything you need to know about unlocking a watch!

One of the new features in Modern Warfare is the ability to equip a watch to the operator you have selected. There is little information surrounding watches in the game but prior to launch, it was rumoured that players could equip a "Tamagotchi". 

How to get a watch

As of writing (November 5th) there are only two known ways to acquire a watch in Modern Warfare. One way is to purchase the C.O.D.E Defender Pack from the store, with all proceeds going to the Call of Duty Endowment Fund. The second way is only available for players in the United States. Purchase a promotional product from the Totinos range.

There are no other ways of acquiring a watch at this stage of the game but it is likely that they will become more available in the coming months.

The unlocks from promotional Totinos products

What are watches for?

They are purely aesthetic but they do allow you to tell the local time by using the "Check The Watch"  emote, a pedometer to see how many steps you've covered in a match and a kill counter which keeps track of your killstreak.

Stay tuned for more information surrounding watches on Modern Warfare!

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Camille B

Ton pire cauchemar !

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