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WoW Classic: Hydraxian Waterlords Reputation Guide

WoW Classic: Hydraxian Waterlords Reputation Guide

The Hydraxians are a Faction in World of Warcraft Classic. We'll go over all you need to know about his faction and their rewards.

WoW Classic: Hydraxian Waterlords Reputation Guide
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The Hydraxian Waterlords are a faction in World of Warcraft Classic. The only way you can build reputation with this faction is by killing specific creatures until you reach max reputation, as there aren't any quests that grant reputation with them. The Hydraxian Waterlords can be found in Azshara, on an island on The Great Sea.

Reputation in WoW Classic

Exalted: Allows players to access specific interactions (typically buying mounts)

Revered: Allows players to access additional quests and items

Honoured: Allows players to receive a 10% discount from vendors

Friendly: Starting reputation for Allied Factions

Neutral: Starting reputation for General Factions

A Brief History Of...

The Hydraxians Waterlords are a group of water elementals who are the sworn enemies of Ragnaros. Duke Hydraxis leads this faction and will be your main contact during your reputation grind.


In World of Warcraft Classic, there is only a single way to grind reputation points with the Hydraxian Waterlords: by killing the mobs listed below. However, the Hydraxians do give several crucial quests that provide very useful rewards:




A Hero's Reward

Duke HydraxisAzshara

Open Hydraxis' CofferAzshara

Agent of Hydraxis

Duke HydraxisAzshara

Reach Honoured withthe Hydraxian Waterlords

Eye of the Emberseer

Duke HydraxisAzshara

Kill a Pyroguard Emberseerand bring an Eye of Emberseerto Duke Hydraxis

Hands of the Enemy

Duke HydraxisAzshara

Bring the following handsto Duke Hydraxis:Hand of ShazzrahHand of LucifronHand of GehennasHand of SulfuronMolten Core

Poisoned Water

Duke HydraxisAzshara

Use the Aspect of NeptulonCollect 12 Discordant BracersEastern Plaguelands

Stormers and Rumblers

Duke HydraxisAzshara

Kill 15x Dust StormerKill 15x Desert RumblerSilithus

The Molten Core

Duke HydraxisAzshara

Kill 1x Molten Giant1x Firelord1x Ancient Core Hound1x Lava SurgerMolten Core

Building Reputation with the Hydraxian Waterlords

As stated earlier in the article, you can only gain reputation with the Hydraxian Waterlords through killing certain creatures. Here is a complete list of the mobs you should kill at each reputation tier:

Until Honoured




Desert Rumbler

Crystal ValeSilithus

5 pts

Dust Stomer

Northern Silithus

5 pts

Greater Obsidian Elemental

Ruins of ThaurissanPillar of AshBurning Steppes

5 pts

Until Revered





Crystal ValeSilithus

25 pts

Lord Incendius

Blackrock Depths(Dungeon)

15 pts

Pyroguard Emberseer

Upper Blackrock Spire(Raid)

50 pts

Ancient Core HoundLava SurgerFirelord

Molten Core(Raid)

20 pts

Molten DestroyerLava ReaverLava ElementalFlameguardFirewalker

Molten Core(Raid)

40 pts

Until Exalted




LucifronMagmadarGehennasGarrBaron GeddonShazzrahSulfuron Harbinger

Molten Core(Raid)

100 pts

Golemagg the Incinerator

Molten Core(Raid)

150 pts


Molten Core(Raid)

200 pts

Hydraxian Rewards

In Phase 1, the only two worthwhile rewards are Ocean's Breeze/Tidal Loop and Aqual Quintessence.

Aqual Quintessence is essential for clearing Molten Core as it allows players to extinguish different runes during one of the boss fights. By extinguishing these runes, you'll be able to access Majordomo Executus and Ragnaros shortly after. To obtain it, you first must reach Honoured with the Hydraxian Waterlords and then finish the quest Hands of the Enemy, though you must have finished the preceding chain quest. Duke Hydraxis will then offer you Aqual Quintessence as a reward. You can only carry one at a time and must talk to him again in Azshara if you need another one.

To get Ocean's Breeze or Tidal Loop, as you can only choose one of them, you must first be Honoured with the Hydraxian Waterlords, then finish A Hero's Reward and the quests above. Then, all you have to do is open the quest giver's chest, Duke Hydraxis.

Later Phases


Eternal Quintessence

Unknown Phase

We hope that this guide will help you get closer to the Hydraxian Waterlords!

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Ton pire cauchemar !

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