Upper Blackrock Spire (UBRS) is a Raid in World of Warcraft Classic which can be accessed from Level 48 and requires 10-15 players to complete. The entrance to the instance can be found in Burning Steppes.

The Orcs have held Blackrock Spire since the First War, yet it is rumoured that the son of former War Chief Blackhand has joined forces with the black dragon Nefarian. The leaders of this rag-tag force can be found at Blackrock Spire, watching over the Deathwing's precious dragonlings.
Dungeon Location
The raid can be found in the Contested Zone of Searing Gorge. You can easily find the instance portal in the south of the map, next to Mount Blackrock.
You'll need to have Seal of Ascension, which can be obtained from the quest Seal of Ascension. Every member of your group must have the seal in their possession to be able to enter the instance.

Dungeon Information
Boss |
Abilities |
Location |
In the Hall of Blackhand |
In the Rookery |
In the Rookery |
In Dragonspire Hall |
In Blackrock Stadium |
In Blackrock Stadium |
In The Furnace |
In the Spire Throne |

Notable Gear |
Dropped By |
Recipes |
Dropped By |
Dungeon Quests
Alliance Quests |
Quest Givers |
Location |
Burning Steppes |
Winterspring |
Horde Quests |
Quest Givers |
Location |
Kargath |
Orgrimmar |
Neutral Quests |
Quest Givers |
Location |
Azshara |
Blackrock Spire |
Blackrock Spire |
Blackrock Spire |
Profession Quests |
Quest Givers |
Location |
Winterspring |
Best of luck making it out of the Blackhand's lair alive!