Contrary to popular belief, addons were a part of Vanilla's original gaming experience. Thus, we offer our selection of the best addons in general for WoW Classic. Of course, there are many others that are at least as useful or more specific, but we will only be interested in the most useful to the majority of players.
Warning, some add-ons may be considered expired by WoW, and will not work. In this case we advise you to install via the Twitch application (Curse).
Atlas and Atlas Classic WoW
Available via the Twitch app
To put it simply, Atlas Classic WoW is the ancestor of the Battle for Azeroth Adventurer's Journal. Not only does it make it possible to know the loot table of each boss thanks to a widely provided database, but it even offers the drop rate of most items, as well as a map of each instance! Essential.
- You can download the addon here.
Important note: This addon works in conjunction with the Atlas addon, which can be downloaded at the following link. Without it, Atlas Classic WoW will not work.
Auctionator Classic (quickfix)
Auctionator is the simplified version of Auctionneer that many players use in Battle for Azeroth. It has all, or almost all, of its basic features to ensure unparalleled efficiency when you buy or sell at the Auction House. Since this is the best place to make gold in Classic, it's an essential addon, whether you buy or sell regularly at the auction house or not.
- You can download the addon here.
BigWigs Classic
Available via the Twitch app
Although less effective than in Battle for Azeroth, BigWigs is available on WoW Classic and is the most effective at this time. Its counterpart, Deadly Boss Mods - Classic is also available to meet all expectations, the difference between one and the other being very minimal. For the few players who do not know these two addons, they can track the upcoming bosses of each raid, allowing you to anticipate your investments and techniques accordingly.
Details! Damage Meter
Available via the Twitch app
Details of this app have recently appeared in WoW Classic. Very powerful, it's the most popular and effective of all DamageMeters and is probably a good replacement for KTM when it comes to threat management. For players who are unfamiliar with this addon, it works on the same basis as Recount or Skada, but adds many features in addition to the basic measure of DPS and HPS provided by players in the group.
You can download Details! Damage Meter Classic here.
Available via the Twitch app
In Classic, it's impossible to see the casting bar of your target or focus target as in Battle for Azeroth. ClassicCastbars solves this problem by adding these and allowing you to customize them. A must-have, both in PvE and PvP, impossible to miss.
You can download the addon here.
EquipCompare simply compares an item that you have equipped with another item by simply hovering over it. Simple but also very useful.
You can download the addon here.
EZDismount allows you to automatically dismount when interacting with an object (such as a treasure chest or quest item), a flight master, or attempting to perform any action that requires you to be off your mount.
You can download the addon here.
Improved Error Frame
Purely aesthetic, Improved Error Frame makes it possible to no longer display on your screen all the errors that you can trigger by doing a lot of actions in Azeroth, such as the one displayed when you are on a mount and when you try to interact with an object for example. These errors, however, remain accessible in a dedicated tab, in case one of them would cause you a problem.
You can download the addon here.
KLHThreatMeter, also known as KLM, is a powerful addon essential for all players in Classic. Operating in a very similar way to Details! and Recount, it allows you to have a preview of the threat that you generate and thus allows you to know if you must ease off your DPS/HPS. You can also report your current threat to your group.
You can download the addon here.
MobInfo is arguably one of the best addons in this list since it lets you know a lot of information about the creature you're hovering over: HP, DPS, damage range, experience obtained upon death.
You can download the addon here.
OmniCC Classic
Available via the Twitch app
OmniCC adds CD time to item buttons via text, spells and abilities that are on cooldown. Whether in your inventory, your spells bar or anywhere else, a countdown is indicated when one of them enters a CD, allowing better global visibility and therefore better management of your character. fight.
You can download the addon here.
Available via the Twitch app
Questie is the addon that makes leveling easier, without distorting the original experience that WoW Classic offers. It allows you to no longer go around in circles for hours looking for a quest goal by indicating where it is on your map and your mini-map. Almost indispensable in leveling.
You can download the addon here.
WeakAuras 2 Classic
Available via the Twitch app
WeakAuras 2 is without a doubt the most powerful addon ever created for World of Warcraft since it allows you to track down any spell, buff, debuff or anything else and tell you when said thing is up or on CD.
Everything can be tracked using this addon, from simple personal buffs to boss spells normally invisible to the eye, making it the most indispensable of all addons in Classic.
You can download the addon here.
Written by Laerezh. Translated from the French by Millenium.