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WoW: Echo defeat Sylvanas to win Race to World First

WoW: Echo defeat Sylvanas to win Race to World First

Echo is the first guild to defeat Sylvanas in Sanctum of Domination in Mythic mode — claiming glory in the World of Warcraft: Shadowlands Race to World First.

WoW: Echo defeat Sylvanas to win Race to World First

Sylvanas Windrunner has been defeated by the European Echo guild players. The tenth, and final, boss of the Sanctum of Domination in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands. Echo defeated Sylvanas by reducing her health to 45%, after 176 pulls.


Usually the encounter ends when Sylvanas reaches 50% health, on all difficulty levels — and players were under the impression that would be the case in Mythical Mode too. Unfortunately, this wasn't the case at all, but the Echo guild managed to achieve a world first.


You can see exactly how the Echo players achieved this victory. A well deserved celebration after hours of effort and failure.

Guild Composition

The roles, classes and talents used by players to achieve this incredible victory. - World of Warcraft: Classic
The roles, classes and talents used by players to achieve this incredible victory.
José Ángel Mateo Albuerne

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