The allegations against Blizzard were made public yesterday, and now players have staged a virtual protest

The allegations against Blizzard were made public yesterday, and now players have staged a virtual protest
Echo is the first guild to defeat Sylvanas in Sanctum of Domination in Mythic mode — claiming glory in the World of Warcraft: Shadowlands Race to World First.
This month's BlizzCon marks 30 years of Blizzard Entertainment, and to celebrate the anniversary a touching new video emphasises the idea of 'home'.
Waves of bans are rare and exceptional in Blizzard games. During the week of December 28, 2020 to January 3, 2021, more than 60,000 accounts were closed on the Chinese servers of Shadowlands, WoW Classic, and Overwatch.
With the recent release of Naxxramas coming with Phase 6 of WoW Classic, guilds prepared themselves for the final raid Classic has to offer. It was the European guild Progress who came out on top, taking down this final Classic World First with an hour 12 minutes on the clock!
While the Doors of Ahn'Qiraj are already open on some American and Chinese kingdoms, a dozen guilds have already put an end to the existence of C'thun and his minions. The record for the death of the Old God currently stands at 24 minutes.
Phase 5 of WoW Classic was deployed in-game on Wednesday, July 29, 2020. It includes, most notably, the Shifting Sands War, culminating with the opening of the famous Gates of Ahn'Qiraj and access to The Temple & The Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj. (AQ20 & AQ40)
An August 6th Hotfix has been released to resolve a bug affecting Frost wands & Viscidus in The Temple of Ahn'Qiraj (AQ40).
Blizzard has officially announced the list of realms that have managed to finish the Ahn'Qiraj War Effort during the week that Phase 5 was added to WoW Classic.
WoW Classic is quickly becoming the home of the weird and wonderful. On the 9th July, a guild managed to clear Onyxia's Lair with a 40-raid composed entirely of naked players. A monumental — if unnecessary — achievement.
A French player was recently able to complete Scholomance, a high-level dungeon in WoW Classic, as a solo player. This may well be a World First for this patch; check out his run below!
The first WoW Classic Esports event has recently been announced by Blizzard. The WoW Classic Summer Bowl is a PvP tournament held this June, everything you need to know about it in this article.
Dronmo, an artist mainly working on ArtStation, has let players explore what the luxurious Stranglethorn Valley might look like if it were made in Unreal Engine 4. The result is strikingly blend of smoothness and beauty!
What if WoW Classic held an original, official esports tournament hosted by Blizzard? A very recent tweet from the @WoWEsports twitter account seems to hint towards this, all of which coincides with the discovery of a curious "esports" page on the Chinese version of the WoW Classic website.
Exehn, a WoW Classic player, recently published a video in which he clears Deadmines with a Level 10 Thief and Explosive Sheep!
The April 21 patch of WoW Classic makes it impossible to use Gulubashi enchantments from Zul'Gurub on characters below 60 and / or not of the appropriate class.
With each new raid that is added to WoW Classic, players are increasingly pushing the limit of what is possible. This is especially true for BLaDE of KILL, who managed to kill Hakkar the Soulflayer without killing any High Priests! This is the first time in 15 years that this has happened!
Today is the day! Zul'Gurub and the Dragons of Nightmare will finally be playable from 18:00 ET on Thursday 16 April 2020. Check out all our Phase 4 guides here, including our Zul'Gurub raid guide!
The COVID-19 outbreak continues to cause cancellations on all horizons. Gaming and its conventions are particularly affected. After E3, Gamescom and a few others, the Blizzcon 2020 is now starting to be at the heart of the discussions.
In order to anticipate the upcoming deployment of the second part of Phase 4 of WoW Classic, notably introducing the raid on Zul'Gurub, Blizzard has announced a new phase of free migration.
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