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WoW Classic Summer Bowl, First Esports Event on Classic

WoW Classic Summer Bowl, First Esports Event on Classic

The first WoW Classic Esports event has recently been announced by Blizzard. The WoW Classic Summer Bowl is a PvP tournament held this June, everything you need to know about it in this article.

WoW Classic Summer Bowl, First Esports Event on Classic

Recently leaked on the Chinese website dedicated to WoW Classic, the WoW Classic Summer Bowl has been officialy announced. The Esport event will take place this June 17.

What there is to know

  • 10 players per team
  • It is possible to register for the tournament if you have a level 60 character on a Wow Classic server
  • The Warsong Gulch will be the only map
  • $ 4,000 for the team winning the tournament (one per region NA and EU)
  • Qualifiers begins Wednesday June 17, 2020

Blizzard official announcement

"For the first time in WoW Classic, World of Warcraft Esports presents the Summer Bowl. The WoW Classic Summer Bowl is a 10v10 Warsong Gulch tournament beginning June 17. Over the following three weekends, teams in North America and Europe will compete for a separate prize pool of USD $4,000 in each region!"

The tournament will be split into two regions: North America and Europe. All games will take place on live servers for WoW Classic, using the recently added War Game feature. Here’s how it all works:

  • Teams of 10 players will sign up for their region. Signups are open to eligible players with a level 60 character on live servers for WoW Classic—check eligibillity and sign up for NA here and EU here!
  • The tournament will be split into two stages for each region: qualifiers and finals.
  • The qualifiers are open sign ups.
  • The finals will feature the top six teams for the region.
  • Teams will battle against each other on live servers using the War Game feature, allowing players to queue up battlegrounds against other teams in their region.
  • For the top six teams in North America and Europe, there will be a total of USD $4,000 on offer in separate prizing for each region and bragging rights of winning the WoW Classic Summer Bowl!
  • More information on the full ruleset can be found on our NA and EU sign-up pages.
World of Warcraft: Classic
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Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!