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WoW: Take a look at Stranglethorn Valley remade in Unreal Engine 4

WoW: Take a look at Stranglethorn Valley remade in Unreal Engine 4

Dronmo, an artist mainly working on ArtStation, has let players explore what the luxurious Stranglethorn Valley might look like if it were made in Unreal Engine 4. The result is strikingly blend of smoothness and beauty!

WoW: Take a look at Stranglethorn Valley remade in Unreal Engine 4

The legendary Stranglethorn Valley has always been held in high regard by World of Warcraft players. This zone, which is equal parts lavish as it is deadly, has been beautifully re-imagined thanks to the incredible work of Dromo! Using Unreal Engine 4, the 3d artist was able to recreate the zone with stunning realism, almost as if you were walking through the vines yourself.

Note: It's a good idea to put the video on 2x speed or even higher if the slow and gentle pacing isn't to your liking. If you do this, it's best if you mute the video, as speeding it up tends distorts the audio beyond recognition.

For those in the know, the video takes us through Ziata'jai Ruins. It also slowly takes the viewer along the main road of Stranglethorn Vale, right up the double bridge near Venture Co. Base Camp, and next to the village of Bambala, which was later added in Cataclysm.

Artists are continuing to release more and more of this kind of content, much to the delight of World of Warcraft's large fanbase. This release promises to be far and away the best one yet, with Štěpán Křivka's guitar accompaniment only serving to solidify this sentiment.

Summer Games Fest: Epic Games announces Unreal Engine 5 with stunning PS5 real-time demo

In the latest announcement as part of the Summer Games Fest, Epic Games have unveiled the next-generation Unreal Engine 5. They did this by showing off 'Lumen in the Land of Nanite' — a stunning, nine-minute-long technical demo running on PlayStation 5 showing off the engine's capabilities.


Chef des portails WoW Shadowlands, WoW Classic, Burning Crusade Classic et Lost Ark. J'aime tous les MMO, sauf ceux que je n'ai pas cités dans cette signature.