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WoW Classic: How to access Phase Four on the PTR

Blizzard are allowing WoW Classic players to access the test realms (PTRs) for Phase 4 of the game, just prior to its deployment. New features include the Zul'Gurub raid and the Arathi Battlefield.

The WoW Token soon available for Chinese players

To counter illegal gold resellers in WoW Classic, Blizzard has chosen to allow Chinese players to access the Token, previously only available in Battle for Azeroth. Can we expect a global release?

Activision Blizzard reveal Q4 earnings

Activision Blizzard have released their earnings for the quarter ending December 31, 2019 — and it’s very much a good news, bad news situation.

WoW Classic —Phase 3 is Live!

One month after the release of Alterac Valley and Warsong Gulch, Blizzard has decided to announce the official release date for the rest of the Phase 3 content: 12 February 2020. Most notably, this will include the Blackwing Lair raid!

WoW Classic: Alterac Valley and Warsong Gulch Release Date

A week after introducing the Honour system and Phase 2 to WoW Classic, Blizzard have announced additional events on the horizon: Warsong Gulch and Alterac Valley will soon be added to the game, as will Elemental Invasions!

WoW Classic : Free Server Transfers For Horde Players

Blizzard recently released restrictions to the announced free migrations during Phase 2 of Wow Classic. Several servers only accepting transfers from Horde players, and Shazzrah (EU) is finally getting free transfers.