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WoW Classic: January 28 Hotfix (Lunar Festival)

WoW Classic: January 28 Hotfix (Lunar Festival)

The January 28 hotfix for WoW Classic corrects a bug relating to the Elune's Blessing quest from the Lunar Festival.

WoW Classic: January 28 Hotfix (Lunar Festival)

On Tuesday, January 28 2020, Blizzard deployed a patch aimed at improving the quality of World of Warcraft: Classic, by correcting bugs and other issues within the game.

World Events

Lunar Festival

  • Player will now be able to receive credit for the Elune's Blessing quest in a more consistent manner
January 25 hotfix deals with Alterac Valley bug

A hotfix has dropped on January 25, and fixes a bug regarding honorless targets being lootable in Alterac Valley.


Chef des portails WoW Shadowlands, WoW Classic, Burning Crusade Classic et Lost Ark. J'aime tous les MMO, sauf ceux que je n'ai pas cités dans cette signature.