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WoW Classic: February 25 Hotfix (Blackwing Lair)

WoW Classic: February 25 Hotfix (Blackwing Lair)

The February 25th WoW Classic patch fixes an instance locking (ID) issue affecting players who defeated Razorgore the Untamed at the Blackwing Lair.

WoW Classic: February 25 Hotfix (Blackwing Lair)

On Tuesday, February 25 2020, Blizzard deployed a patch aimed at improving the quality of World of Warcraft: Classic, by correcting bugs and other issues within the game.

Dungeons and Raids

Blackwing Lair

Razorgore the Untamed

  • Razorgore the Untamed now only saves players to the raid instance if defeated after the eggs have been destroyed.
WoW Classsic: Darkmoon Faire Guide

Step foot into the Faire and experience the twisted mind of Silas Darkmoon: an essential event which gathers the most insane eccentricities from all over Azeroth. This event appears once per month, with Darkmoon Faire alternating between Mulgore and Elywnn Forest.


Chef des portails WoW Shadowlands, WoW Classic, Burning Crusade Classic et Lost Ark. J'aime tous les MMO, sauf ceux que je n'ai pas cités dans cette signature.