Blizzard recently broke their silence on the Keyring, which was expected to be released during Phase 2 of WoW Classic.

Blizzard recently broke their silence on the Keyring, which was expected to be released during Phase 2 of WoW Classic.
Discover now the transmog set of the Heroic Edition and the illusion of the Epic Edition of World of Warcraft: Shadowlands, the next expansion of WoW.
This weekend, November 1-2, Blizzard fans and viewers all over the world will have their eyes and ears on BlizzCon 2019. Here you'll find all the announcements in Anaheim — so make sure you bookmark this page!
Find the biggest announcements and news revealed by Blizzard during the opening ceremony of BlizzCon 2019.
Mike Ybarra has just announced his arrival at Blizzard Entertainment. After 19 years at Microsoft in charge of the Xbox Live part, he is now Vice President of the Californian publisher, as well as General Manager.
When is BlizzCon 2019? Well, it begins on November 1 at the Anaheim Convention Center — and the full schedule has just been unveiled. Here you can find all information about the conference for each game. Will we see Diablo 4 and Overwatch 2?
Blizzard announced on October 23 that 17 new WoW Classic realms are now only using a single layer. The company issued an update the following day, announcing that 4 new servers are now using just one layer.
Blizzcon 2019 will be held on November 1 and 2. This year, the Virtual Ticket will give you cosmetics for all Blizzard licenses: from World of Warcraft to StarCraft II, including Diablo III, Hearthstone, Overwatch and Heroes of the Storm!
When it comes to World of Warcraft: Classic, Blizzard is not taking things lightly. After players who had abused instance layering were fiercely defended by a section of the community, Blizzard elected to clarify whether or not the bug should be considered an exploit.
After some players were able to gather large amounts of reagents and valuable gear in record time via an exploit, Blizzard has once again revealed a solution to the problem — this time announcing sanctions for those who abused the bug.
Since the launch of WoW Classic, players have increasingly begun to abuse the layering system, which was put in place by Blizzard to guarantee server stability. Blizzard recently addressed the growing concerns around their decision to rely on layering to ease population issues on the busiest servers
Since the launch of WoW Classic, many streamers have elected to explore Classic, bringing their communities with them. This nostalgia-laden rush to feel the Classic Experience has led to viewing figures soaring to 47.1 million total hours watched on Twitch.
Blizzard have announced that free server transfers will be available for players on the most populated servers, to help resolve issues of overpopulation. Find out more below!
APES have easily vanquished Onyxia and have gone 2 for 2 in WoW Classic World Firsts. The private server guild demolished the Classic content in just over four days.
We have our first Level 60! Jokerd, a Gnome Mage on Mograine-EU, has won the race to World First Level 60 after a frantic 72-hour period of levelling! Congratulations from all of us here at Millenium! Learn more about how he accomplished this feat and the build which made it all possible.
Ragnaros falls at the hands of APES, a guild that has trained for years on private servers — catching Method unawares in their quest for the World First in Classic.
Stuck queuing up for your server? Not sure if WoW Classic is right for you? Check out our list of both well-known and smaller streamers to learn more about the game.
Following server maintenance at 21:00 EST on August 27, Blizzard has ensured that Realm population is displayed more intuitively. Read the differences between the two systems below.
As has always been the case with World of Warcraft, servers for Blizzard's Vanilla throwback will go down for maintenance. During this period, the game will be inaccessible and you will have to log in again afterwards.
On Monday, August 26 at At 3pm PDT, WoW Classic achieved the seemingly impossible — it attracted more than 1.1 million people keen to see the launch of Blizzard's throwback to Vanilla World of Warcraft!
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