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WoW Classic: The Keyring will not be available until next patch

WoW Classic: The Keyring will not be available until next patch

Blizzard recently broke their silence on the Keyring, which was expected to be released during Phase 2 of WoW Classic.

WoW Classic: The Keyring will not be available until next patch

In a recent press release, Blizzard announced that the Keyring would not be available in Phase 2 in World of Warcraft Classic. Instead, it will be introduced to the game later this year, in a patch between now and the end of December!

Yes – the Keyring will come to WoW Classic with our first patch to the game client later this year.

We don’t yet have a certain date for the patch, but we’ll let you know as soon as we do.
Blizzard (Source)
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This weekend, November 1-2, Blizzard fans and viewers all over the world will have their eyes and ears on BlizzCon 2019. Here you'll find all the announcements in Anaheim — so make sure you bookmark this page!


Chef des portails WoW Shadowlands, WoW Classic, Burning Crusade Classic et Lost Ark. J'aime tous les MMO, sauf ceux que je n'ai pas cités dans cette signature.