At 7:00 PDT today, WoW Classic servers will be down for approximately 15 minutes for server maintenance, so players should be aware. Those in-game at the time will receive a notice in chat.
In order to increase stability and playability, we will include the realms of WoW Classic in our maintenance window scheduled today at 7:00 AM.
We estimate a minimal downtime for WoW Classic Kingdoms of about 15 minutes.
As always, thank you for your patience and your understanding!
As a reminder, you can find details of the many servers worldwide here.
This maintenance will hopefully go smoothly, although it is likely to bring long queues to those who want to rejoin the green lands of Azeroth.
On Monday, August 26 at At 3pm PDT, WoW Classic achieved the seemingly impossible — it attracted more than 1.1 million people keen to see the launch of Blizzard's throwback to Vanilla World of Warcraft!
Written by Tyler. Translated from the French by Millenium.