All World of Warcraft: Classic Guides
Wow Classic: APES Claim World First Onyxia

APES have easily vanquished Onyxia and have gone 2 for 2 in WoW Classic World Firsts. The private server guild demolished the Classic content in just over four days.

Wow Classic: APES Claim World First Onyxia

After having defeated Ragnaros, Onyxia has met her end at the hands of APES, bringing the race for World First Onxyia to an end. Luckily for Onxyia, the brutal endeavour was over as quickly as the World First kill of Ragnaros, only taking APES two attempts to down her.

Congratulations to APES, who have taken both raiding Classic World Firsts. We also like to congratulate Jokerd, who was the first person to reach Level 60.

The kill took place on moO_UK's stream, which can be found below

APES will have to wait for the next content phases to once again show the world their raiding prowess. With their multiple Raiding successes, APES are showing us that private server guilds are more than worthy adversaries for Retail players in Classic.

WoW Classic: APES Claim World First Ragnaros

Ragnaros falls at the hands of APES, a guild that has trained for years on private servers — catching Method unawares in their quest for the World First in Classic.

Written by Tyler, Translated by Millenium.

Millenium Rédaction