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WoW Classic: Overview of content rollout

WoW Classic: Overview of content rollout

The way in which WoW Classic content will be deployed remains one of the major questions for future players, especially regarding PvP. To address these issues, Blizzard recently released the order in which each instance and features will be published.

WoW Classic: Overview of content rollout

As we have already known for some time, the deployment of WoW Classic content will be over an extended period divided into 6 phases.

On Monday, April 8, Blizzard revealed more details about what content would be deployed in which phase, particularly regarding PvP — given it was one of the most recurring requests from the community.

The developers do not currently know when each of these phases will take place, but they will happen sooner or later in the order listed below:

Phase 1: WoW Classic Launch

August 26 2019

  • Molten Core
  • Onyxia's Lair
  • Maraudon
  • World PvP enabled but no ranking or reward system — killing a player will therefore award nothing until the next content deployment phase

Phase 2

November 13 2019

  • Dire Maul
  • Azuregos
  • Kazzak
  • Honor system, including dishonourable kills
  • PvP ranking system, including rewards based on player rank

Phase 3


  • Blackwing Lair
  • Darkmoon Faire
  • Darkmoon deck drops begin
  • Alterac Valley (in its Patch 1.12 state)
  • Warsong Gulch
WoW Classic: Getting Started, Beginner's Guide

Getting started with World of Warcraft Classic can be difficult. In this beginner's guide, we aim to point out the first choices that will mark your adventure in the world of Azeroth, well before you meet your first monsters, quests or raid.

Phase 4


  • Zul’Gurub
  • Green Dragons (Emeriss, Lethon, Taerar and Ysondre)
  • Arathi Basin

Phase 5


  • Ahn’Qiraj War Effort begins
  • Ahn’Qiraj raids open when the war effort dictates
  • Dungeon loot reconfiguration: Tier 0.5 Dungeon gear, Relics, drop rates and location changes
  • The potential addition of PvP vendors that were available in a later version of Vanilla, including those with Spell Penetration items

Phase 6


  • Naxxramas
  • Scourge Invasion
  • World PvP objectives in Silithus and Eastern Plaguelands
WoW Classic: 23 tips to make leveling easier

WoW Classic sounds the return of a long and demanding leveling process, requiring patience and rigour. To make your task a bit easier, we offer some tips for both Horde and the Alliance, whatever your class: addons, zones, PvP, instances and more.

Benoit Pinot

Disons que je chapeaute un peu tout ce qui est World of Warcraft, Dofus et Star Citizen sur le territoire Levalloisien.