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WoW Classic: World First Hardmode Hakkar falls to BLaDE of KILL

WoW Classic: World First Hardmode Hakkar falls to BLaDE of KILL

With each new raid that is added to WoW Classic, players are increasingly pushing the limit of what is possible. This is especially true for BLaDE of KILL, who managed to kill Hakkar the Soulflayer without killing any High Priests! This is the first time in 15 years that this has happened!

WoW Classic: World First Hardmode Hakkar falls to BLaDE of KILL

While a fair number of guilds were able to complete Zul'Gurub shortly after its initial release on World of Warcraft: Classic, one of them stood out by accomplishing an unprecedented feat.

BLaDE of KILL, a guild on Arugal (Oceania), managed to defeated Hakkar the Soulflayer while keeping the five High Priests of Zul'Gurub alive at the same time.

Each High Priest grants Hakkar a special bonus if they are not killed before the encounter with Hakkar:

  • Aspect of Jeklik (High Priestess Jeklik): Inflicts 1313 to 1687 additional normal damage to nearby enemies and prevents them from casting spells for 5 sec.
  • Aspect of Venoxis (High Priest Venoxis): Spits damaging poison at nearby enemies, then deals additional Nature damage damage every 2 sec. for 10 sec.
  • Aspect of Mar'li (High Priestess Mar'li): Stuns the player with the most threat for 6 seconds and resets their aggro.
  • Aspect of Thekal (High Priest Thekal): Hakkar's attack speed increases by 150%.
  • Aspect of Arlokk (High Priestess Arlokk): Gouges the player with the most threat for 2 seconds and resets their aggro.

This fight simply would not be possible if it had been a lengthy encounter — but the new heroes of Zul'Gurub were able to take down Hakkar in a mere 1 minute and 21 seconds!

According to Wowhead, one of guilds that attempted this achievement back in Vanilla was Elitist Jerks. Unfortunately, they were never able to accomplish this feat, with their best attempt leaving Hakkar at just 2% HP. But the most interesting part of this story? The guild leader behind this attempt was none other than Ion Hazzikostas, the current Game Director for World of Warcraft!

Of course, there are several differences between Vanilla and Classic that make such a feat possible. But despite these changes, a hearty congratulations to BLaDE of KILL for the first real World First in WoW Classic!

Hakkars of Darkness — A Guide to Zul'Gurub

Zul'Gurub is a Raid in World of Warcraft Classic. We'll take you through all you need to know about the dungeon, such as how to enter, raid quests, bosses, and loot.


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