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WoW Classic: Zul'Gurub Raid Guide

Raid Guides
WoW Classic: Zul'Gurub Raid Guide

Zul'Gurub is a Raid in World of Warcraft Classic. We'll take you through all you need to know about the dungeon, such as how to enter, raid quests, bosses, and loot.

Zul'Gurub (ZG) is a Raid in World of Warcraft Classic that was originally released in September 2005 with Patch 1.7. It was the first 20-man raid of its kind, and served as a breath of fresh air between the two previously available 40-man raids. Read more about ZG below!

World of Warcraft: Classic

Raid Information

Those affiliated with the Zandalar Tribe will have access to quests on Yojamba Isle, in the north-west of Stranglethorn Vale, while the entrance to the instance can be found in the north-east of the zone. This raid contains various different humanoids and beasts.

Each boss that you kill will reward a set amount of reputation, as will the numerous repeatable raid quests. The higher your reputation, the more quests you'll be able to access, and the better your rewards will become.

In addition, you'll have to kill the five main bosses (Jeklik, Venoxis, Mar'li, Thekal, & Arlokk) in order to be able to make the Hakkar fight significantly less challenging. The two other bosses (Mandokir & Jin'Do) and the two summons (Gahz'ranka and The Edge of Madness) are all optional.

World of Warcraft: Classic

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