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WoW Classic: C'thun and the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj wiped out in half an hour

WoW Classic: C'thun and the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj wiped out in half an hour

While the Doors of Ahn'Qiraj are already open on some American and Chinese kingdoms, a dozen guilds have already put an end to the existence of C'thun and his minions. The record for the death of the Old God currently stands at 24 minutes.

WoW Classic: C'thun and the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj wiped out in half an hour

Wednesday August 05, 2020, the first day after the opening of the Gates of Ahn'Qiraj, the first guilds have already put an end to the assault on the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj. As of this writing, a dozen guilds have defeated C'thun.

The first were the Chinese from the guild 韶光, but the fastest, for now, are the Americans from Rise on Netherwind (US) with a complete clean in 1 hour and 08 minutes.

But Rise also currently holds the record for the death of C'thun, since the players have chosen to go straight for the Old God in order to defeat him as quickly as possible.

The result? A lightning victory in exactly 24 minutes ! Yes yes, barely half an hour.

World of Warcraft: Classic

Composition of the raid

The Raid Rise group consisted of the following classes and specializations:


  • 5 Protection Warriors


  • 5 Holy Paladins
  • 4 Holy Priests
  • 1 Restoration Druid


  • 12 Fury Warriors
  • 5 Fire Mages
  • 4 Assassination Rogues
  • 2 Destruction Warlocks
  • 2 Marksmanship Hunters
WoW Classic: How can Horde players contribute to the Ahn'Qiraj War Effort?

The Ahn'Qiraji war effort puts players from each faction up to task by asking them to contribute various resources. The final goal? Opening the Gates of Ahn'Qiraj and taking on the Ruins and the Temple. Find out how you can contribute to the Horde.


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