Early Game
Start with a Doran Blade to dominate your oponent. A Doran Shield is your match-up is an hard one. Both of them being paired with a Health Potion.
- Mercury's Treads is the best choice for a difficult heavy AP match-up.
- Ninja Tabi if you fear an heavy AD game.
Core items
- Begin with a Black Cleaver, which will bring you damage and reduced cooldown; enough to be a threat at the start of the game. If you're facing a champion with magic damage, choose a Maws of Malmortius.
- The Frozen Mallet will allow you to slow down enemies with your auto-attacks.
- Follow up with a defensive item: Randuin's Omen or Adaptive Helm depending on the opposing team's damage.
Situational Items
- The Gargoyle Stoneplate will help you withstand both physical and magic damage.
- The Thornmail will be a good choice against physical damage and healing.
- Spirit Visage is an option against magic damage.
- A Guardian Angel helps stalling in teamfights.
Tips & Tricks
- Watch your rage bar carefully. Transformation into Mega Gnar offers an instant HP boost that may surprise your opponents.
- Q - Boomerang Throw applies the passive of W - Hyper while slowing down the hit targets. This makes it easier to benefit from the three Hyper charges.
- Used to transform into Mega Gnar, E - Hop causes you to bounce off your target and fall further back into Mega Gnar.
- E - Hop can be used to bounce on enemies and allies, but also on elements such as the lantern of Thresh or the flag of Jarvan IV.
- Use your R - GNAR! in team fight as early as possible and on as many targets as possible, to allow you and your allies to place as many spells/controls as possible.
- It is preferable to deliver two basic attacks and then a boomerang on a single target. The boomerang will be able to activate W - Hyper once the target is out of range of the basic attacks.
- If you get caught with a gank in your back, you can use your E - Hop on the assailant to bounce on his head and escape.