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Fortnite Deadpool Challenge: Ghost or Shadow recruitment posters locations

Fortnite Deadpool Challenge: Ghost or Shadow recruitment posters locations

Deface Ghost or Shadow recruitment posters is one of the Deadpool's weekly challenges that comes with Chapter 2 Season 2.

Fortnite Deadpool Challenge: Ghost or Shadow recruitment posters locations

This season, all Fortnite battle pass owners can access Deadpool's weekly challenges to unlock the Marvel superhero skin. During this sixth week, you'll have to deface Ghost or Shadow recruitment posters. Deadpool is the enemy of these two factions with dubious motives, and he lets us know through this week's challenge!

To complete the challenge, you'll need to interact with three separate posters. They're all over the walls in various cities on Apollo Island. All of them bear the insignia of Shadow or Ghost.

We advise you to land at Frenzy Farm. You'll find three different posters there.


Against the white roofed barn

North of Frenzy Farm, you'll find a first poster glued to the red wall of the large barn.


Near the black car

The second poster of Frenzy Farm is located right next to a car, on the south wall of the gigantic house.


To the little red barn to the south

Finally, you'll find a third poster a little further south, at the back of a small red barn, in which there is a tractor.


Finally, note that Team Rumble can be a good option since you will encounter fewer enemies and can land on several bridges during on single game.

Here's what you need to do for the Deadpool Weekly Challenges

Here's everything you need to know about the new Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 2 Deadpool challenges and rewards.

Romain Becquelin

The heart is the strongest muscle.