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Fortnite Fortnitemares Challenges: Eliminate Shadow Midas

Fortnite Challenges: Chapter 2, Season 7
Fortnite Fortnitemares Challenges: Eliminate Shadow Midas

Eliminate Shadow Midas is one of Fortnite Fortnitemares Challenges.

Fortnite Fortnitemares Challenges: Eliminate Shadow Midas

This challenge is part of the Fortnite Midas' Revenge series of challenges. You'll have to eliminate Shadow Midas in the Ruins in the center of the map. The ghost of the genius with the hands of gold haunts the old place of the Authority.



Shadow Midas can be seen in various places in the Ruins, but it will most often be located on the first floor of the central building. He's equipped with his mythical drum gun and guarded by henchmen. You'll have to approach him with caution and collect weapons and ammo as quickly as possible — like any other NPC, Midas has a lot of shield points.

Take advantage of the fact that the NPC is fairly predictable. Hit him by surprise and then hide again. You'll get him slowly.

It will be quite difficult to deal with the other players who will certainly land on the Ruins. During the week following the release of this challenge, many of your rivals will try to eliminate Midas. There is no real secret to succeed in this challenge: playing in squad can be an asset of course.

Final difficulty concerning this challenge: you're in a hurry because this challenge is only available until November 2. The Ruins are a very controversial place, especially for the multiple quality weapons they house.

Original content by Romain "Zorg" Becquelin.

Win exclusive rewards with Fortnite Fortnitemares challenges

The Fortnitemares challenges will allow you to explore the new features of Fortnite v14.40, while winning exclusive rewards.

Clémence LEMOAL
Clémence "Idril" Lemoal

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