At the very heart of Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 7, IO Guards can be found all over the map. Taking them down will enable you to get hold of their technologically superior weapons.
This guide helps you do that, and complete any challenges that may require them.
Where to find the IO guards and their tech weapons
You'll find the ideal locations marked on the map below.
The IO satellite sites are visible from far away, thanks to them giving off a strong red light, as well as the large dishes aimed at the alien mothership.
Each location is protected by a small squad of IO Guards, who carry weapons designed by their top-secret organization. There are also large rectangular chests on site, which also contain IO-stamped equipment.
There's no real strategy to follow here to defeat the guards. Like most elite NPCs in Fortnite, they can be tough, so make sure you have at least enough ammo to take them down, and ideally health and shield items.
Be mindful of other players, too -- the last thing you want is them getting in the way. Try to target sites furthest from the Battle Bus flight path for added safety!