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How to clear the fog from Tsurumi Island in Genshin Impact

How to clear the fog from Tsurumi Island in Genshin Impact

Tsurumi Island holds a mystery you'll need to uncover, but your progress is halted by fog. Here's how to complete the Through the Mists quest chainin Genshin Impact and clear the fog.

Traveling through the new Tsurumi Island area in Genshin Impact can be a right pain, thanks to the fog that covers the land. 

However, you can get rid of the fog by completing a special quest line, Through the Mists. These four quests see you uncover the mystery of a boy named Ruu and his connection to the Thunderbird.

We've put together guides to each quest in the chain, which you can find below. Be mindful that you'll need both an Electro and either a Cryo or Pyro character to complete certain tasks for the quests.

Also, you cannot do all the quests at once. Upon completing a quest, you must wait for the daily reset before beginning the next. As such, this chain will take you four days to complete.

Day 1: A Particularly Particular Author

Day 2: Octave of the Maushiro

Day 3: The Sea of Fog and the Rite of the Trees

Day 4: The Sun-Wheel and Mt. Kanna

After clearing part of the fog in A Particularly Particular Author, you'll earn the Traverse the Fog Door achievement. At the end of the quest, you'll get P-Paimon Ate It...

When you return to Tsurumi Island as part of Octave of the Maushiro, you'll earn the Nihil Sub Caligine Novum achievement.

Once you've cleared the storm as part of The Sun-Wheel and Mt. Kanna, you'll earn the Wonders of the World achievement, followed by Thunder is Forever for completing the quest fully. 

You'll also unlock a new viewpoint, near Mt. Kanna.

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People are able to hold onto hope, since death is that which cannot be seen.