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Fortnite deployable turret: where to find it on the map?

Fortnite deployable turret: where to find it on the map?

Dealing damage to vehicles using a deployable turret is one of the quests for the last week of the season! You should know that there is a secret place to complete this challenge in less than two. We show it to you in this dedicated guide.

You only have a handful of days left to complete your current Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2 Battle Passes. During this final sprint, every packet of experience points counts, if you want to get as many rewards and skins as possible before the next installment of the Battle Royale. In this week 10 quest, you will have to inflict 1200 damage to a vehicle using a Deployable Turret .

The mission is quite simple, provided you know where to find a turret easily.

Where can I find a Deployable Turret?


You will find a ready-to-use deployable turret in the heart of the Sanctuary, at the marker marked on the map above.

The advantage of this particular deployable turret? She automatically has the armored battle bus of the Seven in her sights when you look to the southeast.

Clearly, you just need to land on the turret, then bombard the combat bus which is nearby. Even if no opposing player is driving the machine, the damage you inflict will still be counted for the challenge.

How does the turret work?

The deployable turret is a heavy artillery gun, very effective against buildings and vehicles. It will overheat if you fire it for too long without pausing.

It is possible to damage it by pulling on its base or on the machine itself.

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Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!