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Fortnite: Enter a Slurp vat while wearing a Rippley outfit, from the Alter Ego Challenge, season 1

Tips & Guides
Fortnite: Enter a Slurp vat while wearing a Rippley outfit, from the Alter Ego Challenge, season 1

Enter a Slurp vat while wearing a Rippley outfit is one of the challenges of the Alter Ego mission from Fortnite's Season 1, chapter 2

Fortnite: Enter a Slurp vat while wearing a Rippley outfit, from the Alter Ego Challenge, season 1

The last step of the Ripley challenge, in the Alter Ego mission, will ask you to Enter a Slurp vat while wearing the Ripley outfit. You will find the huge tanks in the heart of the Slurpy Swamp central factory.

All you have to do is break the lid of the tank, to find yourself in the blundering, and succeed the challenge.



The only condition to validate the challenge is to wear the Ripley outfit. It unlocks at level 20 of your Seasonal Battle Pass. You must also have completed a total of 4 missions beforehand.

Deal damage to opponents by shooting gas pumps in Fortnite "Dockyard Deal" mission

Damaging opponents by shooting at gas pumps is one of the challenges of the Fortnite Chapter 2, Season 1 "Dockyard Deal" mission.

Romain Becquelin

The heart is the strongest muscle.