Novelty of the year 2020, Dev Videos looks back on the achievements of the past years to communicate about the future of League of Legends.
Product Lead for Personalization Jonathan "Bellissimoh" Belliss revisits two main subjects: the champions that have been without skins for years, and the return of the Eternals system that was delayed a few months ago.
2020 Skins
In 2018, Riot Games released over 80 skins, and they broke the mark in 2019 with more than 100 skins. According to Bellissimoh, Riot Games are planning on breaking their own record by releasing over 120 skins for 2020. However, while they usually target broad champions that are popular and played by a lot of people, they decided to design skins for ones that have been kind of forgotten over the past years — because "it sucks to have to wait years for a skin for your favorite champion".
Bard / Karthus / Kindred / Mordekaiser / Nautilus / Ornn / Pantheon / Rek'Sai / Sion / Skarner / Taliyah / Taric / Trundle / Twitch / Vel'Koz / Xerath
All the champions above should receive new skins, as well as the four following champions, because they're the "most popular champions". Without any surprise, Ahri, Ezreal, Kai'Sa and Lux will be on board.
Riot Games certainly know how to tease us, since the video is already showcasing some skins that apparently have already been designed!
The Eternals system was announced a few months ago already, but after receiving some harsh criticism from the community, Riot Games decided to delay its release. It was made for "you to flex your moments of glory both in and out of game".
The main problem of the system was the fact that it was an RP only feature, so Riot Games decided to develop "a new Starter Series that is available for Blue Essence or RP permanently."
"Our goal is to create skill-expressive and memorable stats that you're stoked to show off", said Bellisimoh.
Last but not least, Bellisimoh is mentioning the fact that Eternals release should arrive "early this year".
Following the riddles of the previous Dev Videos, he mentions the fact that we should expect to "hear something form us later this year" and that they can't wait to "announce them".
Is it a gentle way to tease a new feature involving voice announcements?!