January is coming to its end and League of Legends' Season 10 is now off to a good start. In the last patch cycle, Aphelios was struck by the nerf hammer — and patch 10.3 hit him again.
Patch 10.3 is also bringing jungle changes and its shares of nerfs, starting with Akali. Considered by many to be the most OP champion of the current meta, the Rogue Assassin is receiving major changes impacting her Twilight Shroud and her ultimate.
Table of Contents
- New Skins: Heartseeker (Yuumi, Jinx)
- Jungle Buff
- Champion Balance Changes: Akali, Aphelios, Azir, Corki, Diana, Ekko, Ezreal, Galio, Leona, Miss Fortune, Rumble, Sejuani, Senna, Sett, Sona, Yuumi
- Miscellaneous: New Summoner Icons, Nautilus and Annie VFX and SFX Updates