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Valorant: Release date, price, and beta access

Valorant: Release date, price, and beta access

The exact release date for Valorant (formerly known as Project A) is still uncertain, but we do know that Riot Games' brand-new FPS will be released this summer on PC. Like League of Legends, Valorant will be free-to-play and will base its economy on skins.

Valorant: Release date, price, and beta access

Valorant will be released in summer 2020. Riot Games' new FPS — previously called Project A — will first be launched on PCs in most regions before expanding to more consoles and more areas. We'll have to wait three to six months before testing the new tactical shooter that the community is eagerly awaiting.

As for the beta accesses, they will be to be won via "Twitch drops", starting on April 7.

How to access the Valorant Beta

You've been waiting for it: the Valorant Beta has arrived. No key required this time, you'll just have to link your Riot account to your Twitch account and get lucky while watching content creators.

With the lifting of the first official NDA, Riot also opens the game's networks and websites. You can find all the official announcements here:

On these social networks you can find all the official press releases of Riot Games concerning Valorant. In view of the general craze for the new FPS, "beta scams" may appear.

If an offer seems too good to be true, it's probably false. When certain games, DLCs or expansions are delayed — and that an alpha or beta phase will be opened — we sometimes see information theft. Some malicious people take advantage of the waiting and the hope of the players to lure the most credulous.

Remember that there are currently no beta phases open, available, or even announced. Find out if you see any "beta codes" or "techniques to get the beta" and make sure that the people giving you this supposedly nice gift are well-intentioned.

All the Project A leaks we know so far

Project A, Riot Games' mysterious FPS, could be called Valorant. Several leaks of images allegedly taken in-game have also found their way online. Here are the main leaks known so far.

Benoit Pinot

Disons que je chapeaute un peu tout ce qui est World of Warcraft, Dofus et Star Citizen sur le territoire Levalloisien.