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When will the Fortnite servers be up during Patch 12.30 deployment

When will the Fortnite servers be up during Patch 12.30 deployment

Update 12.21 started at 11 pm (PT) this Monday in Fortnite, and the patch note will be released soon after the maintenance.

When will the Fortnite servers be up during Patch 12.30 deployment

Announced yesterday, update 12.30 was deployed late in the evening in Fortnite. As usual, the information comes from the Fortnite Status Twitter account, and from the game itself. The maintenance time won't have exceeded one hour and ten minutes. We'll keep you informed via this article of the progress of the process. 

Maintenance complete

Update 12.30 has been deployed. Maintenance is complete and the servers are available. You can play the game once the installation is finished.

This is the first time in months that the new content of a patch couldn't be anticipated. The last major update — two weeks ago — brought helicopters into the battle royale. It's not impossible that Epic Games decided to incorporate such a significant new element today.

As a reminder, the pace of new content seems to have accelerated since Chapter 2 Season 2, with more new weapons, vehicles and topographic changes. On the ohter hand, Chapter 2 Season 1 had seemed to be poor in terms of new contents for many players.

Deadpool's not part of any faction and he's letting us know

Deface Ghost or Shadow recruitment posters is one of the Deadpool's weekly challenges that comes with Chapter 2 Season 2.

Romain Becquelin

The heart is the strongest muscle.