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Fortnite: Water Level Drop, Stage 2

Fortnite: Water Level Drop, Stage 2

Stage 1 of the drop in water level has been reached today, revealing many previously submerged locations. Fortnite dataminers have even managed to find the date of Stage 2.

Fortnite: Water Level Drop, Stage 2

In Fortnite the water level began to drop on July 1. As predicted by dataminers around the world, Epic Games has planned successive stages of decline, so that the map will gradually return to the one we knew in Season 2.

FireMonkey managed to read the files in order to anticipate the next water level drop. Stage 2 will take place on July 11 at 12:00 AM PT.


For example, we should be able to enjoy Risky Reels again. Some, like VollMitBotox, have gone even further, dating the Fortnite map once the water has completely receded. Unsurprisingly, it appears that the map will undergo profound topographical changes, especially in the northwestern part of the island, as a new so-called island location is expected to appear.


Let's remember that the arrival of piloting cars is imminent on the battle royale, and that they will require large land spaces to be fun to play. The drop in water level would be faster than we thought.

Original content by Romain "Zorg" Becquelin.

Exceptional Fortnite server maintenance has completed

In addition to the content update, an additional maintenance that should fix major bugs was scheduled on Wednesday, 7:00 PM PT.

Clémence LEMOAL
Clémence "Idril" Lemoal

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