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League of Legends: Samira's nerf fell short and she's still too strong

League of Legends: Samira's nerf fell short and she's still too strong

The new League of Legends champion Samira remains way too strong, and thereby achieves 90% in-game presence.

League of Legends: Samira's nerf fell short and she's still too strong

The launch of the new League of Legends champion Samira was a disaster that broke the logic promised by the developer in terms of long-term balance adjustments.

In an attempt to address the situation, a hotfix was launched just one day after the champion's arrival on the live servers, but unfortunately it's not enough.

After more than two weeks since she became available, a new nerf came to reduce her power to try to balance it out a bit. Samira is practically unplayable and is banned from 73% of the qualifying games played in the world.

The win rate varies between regions, averaging 51.33%, which is a high rate for a champion who has just launched.

Statistics in Diamond leagues and above (LOLALYTICS) - League of Legends
Statistics in Diamond leagues and above (LOLALYTICS)

Riot Games continues to look for quick solutions for a launch that has gone against what the company has promised to the players. The next patch 10.21 will bring a new nerf. We'll see then if they are finally able to address the difficult task of balancing Samira, if they don't want to turn her into a new Aphelios.

Although the response was quick, it has also proven to be inefficient on the part of the developer.

Original content by Bruno "GalleGutsito" Oubiña.

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Laure Laborde
Laure Laborde

Freelance Writer and Editor for Millenium FR & US - Indie lover and horror enthusiast.

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