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Russian version of Fortnite erroneously leaks Fortnitemares Revenge of the Midas

Russian version of Fortnite erroneously leaks Fortnitemares Revenge of the Midas

In Russia, Fortnite's news feed mistakenly has displayed the theme of Fortnitemares to come. It's now almost certain that Midas will have a big role to play in the Halloween festivities.

Russian version of Fortnite erroneously leaks Fortnitemares Revenge of the Midas

The Russian version of Fortnite made a small misstep. For a few moments, the news feed announced the "Fortnitemares: Revenge of the Midas". This mistake seems to confirm the imminent return of the genius with the golden hands, most probably in a zombified version.

According to ShiinaBR, it could also mean an update tomorrow.

The Fortnitemares correspond to the Halloween festivities in Fortnite. We should see all the horrific novelties arriving from one moment to the next.

The last update (v14.30) brought only slight changes to the map's scenery. A few cobwebs now adorn the Authority, while several houses on the island have been decorated for the occasion.

Dataminers are expecting a patch to appear on Wednesday, October 21. It's also plausible that the update won't be deployed until next week.


First leaks on the possible return of Midas for Halloween didn't date from yesterday. At the beginning of the month, some dataminers had already brought to light suspicious files, which established a return of Midas and his henchmen.

Some may have already noticed it, but the golden throne of the character is back to the Authority — former stronghold of the great villain!

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Original content by Romain "Zorg" Becquelin.

Clémence LEMOAL
Clémence "Idril" Lemoal

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