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New No Man's Sky update already available

New No Man's Sky update already available

"Expeditions" is a new community-focused adventure.

New No Man's Sky update already available

No Man's Sky is having its fifth anniversary in a few months. Although the game's release was one of the most controversial ones in recent history, No Man's Sky present should make any company jealous. Years of hard work, free content and updates have created a very exciting and interesting adventure.

Today, the Expeditions update has been revealed. It features a new mode that allow players to share a journey from a fixed point in the universe. You must complete a unique set of challenges (milestones) to earn exclusive new rewards.

Check out the official patch notes for further details. Also, here's the announcement trailer.

No Man’s Sky 'Beyond' Update Launch Trailer

A new version that should charm the disappointed players and bring the new ones in.

Axel Bosso

News writer, MGG EN | Argentinian freelance journalist. Almost a psychologist. Shameless Yakuza lover, Fighting Games enthusiast.