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No Man’s Sky 'Beyond' Update Launch Trailer

No Man’s Sky 'Beyond' Update Launch Trailer

A new version that should charm the disappointed players and bring the new ones in.

No Man's Sky, which had been a disaster at launch, is gradually pursuing its redemption for a better video game. After NEXT, The Abyss and Vulkan, the very big Beyond update will come soon. This one will add a VR mode compatible only with PS VR (for the moment) and that's unfortunately all Hello Games has revealed, except that the update will be released on August 14th. A curious communication five days before the release. However, the developers ensure that everything we see in the trailer is true, especially about social interactions and multiplayer. Besides, they had already given their desire to bring an MMO side to No Man's Sky, we hope it won't just be 16 players spread over servers of 14 trillion planets.

No Man's Sky is available on PC, Xbox One and PS4.

Written by Xavier "Howler" Larrey. Translated from French by

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