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A future Among Us update will bring a new art style and a bigger lobby

A future Among Us update will bring a new art style and a bigger lobby

Up to 15 players will be able to play.

A future Among Us update will bring a new art style and a bigger lobby

A few weeks ago, developer InnerSloth showed a new map coming to Among Us. Called "The Airship", this level featured new tasks, ladders and even the ability to choose which area to start in after the meetings.

"The Airship" was released yesterday and many players have already tried it. Furthermore, this update also brought some new cosmetic items, such as a heart pin, angry eyebrows, unicorn head and a rubber glove.

However, there is even more content and changes coming in the near future. A developer said that "Puffballs has completely updated the art style with cleaner lines and an easier animation process.” Also, a new lobby with capacity for 15 players is being developed.

Here's "The Airship" update trailer:

New map and accounts coming to Among Us soon!

The Airship is coming

Axel Bosso

News writer, MGG EN | Argentinian freelance journalist. Almost a psychologist. Shameless Yakuza lover, Fighting Games enthusiast.