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PROJECT Mordekaiser skin teased for League of Legends

PROJECT Mordekaiser skin teased for League of Legends

Another PROJECT skin has appeared, this time on the official League of Legends topic on YouTube. This joins the recent PROJECT Varus which was teased over the weekend.

PROJECT Mordekaiser skin teased for League of Legends

After the recent PROJECT Varus tease on League of Legends social media, it seems they're at it again with another PROJECT skin teased. After some short teases, we have had an official animation released.

PROJECT Varus skin teased on League of Legends social media

A tweet showing multiple released Varus skins also shows an unreleased skin which fits the PROJECT theme. This is either a tease or a leak, either way it looks cool.

The official League of Legends Topic on YouTube has had the icon change to a PROJECT Mordekaiser skin.

It doesn't currently seem to be anywhere else, but there is a PROJECT Mordekaiser post on Reddit from the end of April; obviously ignored but it seems there is now some substance behind the claim. This post also stated that it would come out in May, so we should see the skins come in the next patch or two, if this redditor is correct.

Since these teasers came out, or were noticed, we have had an official animation posted to all social media accounts.

The twenty second video shows the PROJECT Mordekaiser skin within the PROJECT setting, basically confirming the event and the skin.

We haven't had a PROJECT event for a while, the last one was in 2019. This is a usually well received skin line, and each release usually has several additions.

Alistar Barratt
Alistar Barratt

English Nerd, Linguistics Enthusiast, Meme Connoisseur, Coffee Reliant. Alistar is here to bring some freshly-baked news for your reading pleasure!