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VALORANT Patch 2.09 brings Viper nerfs, Breeze changes, and a new game mode!

VALORANT Patch 2.09 brings Viper nerfs, Breeze changes, and a new game mode!

This is the first patch since the new Act started, and also brings Replication for two weeks.

VALORANT Patch 2.09 brings Viper nerfs, Breeze changes, and a new game mode!

The first patch for VALORANT in Episode 2 Act 3 deployed on May 11th.

Viper was slightly over-buffed, and she found herself climbing the tier lists. The Controller has been a little too controlling.

The instant decay from her Toxin passive is being reduced from 50 to 30, making walking through her walls a little less damaging.

This is the only change to Agents, but Breeze is being tweaked slightly too. Player collision is being smoothed in some locations, and vision of the gaps above Mid-Wood Doors and A Metal Doors have been blocked.

Replication is live on VALORANT

VALORANT's latest game mode hit the live servers when the new patch arrived.

We are also gaining new game systems for use in tournaments. New toys for Observers will help to give clear messages and narratives to viewers, with colours being adjusted to fit team colours. There are also improvements coming to visual synchronisation for bullet tracers and impact effects; previously some players would be killed before it looked like a bullet reached them, obviously giving a negative viewing experience.

Tactical Timeouts are being added to Tournament Mode Custom Games too. Each team can call two timeouts each game, each timeout last 60 seconds, and timeouts freeze all player movements. The operative word is 'tactical', as technical pauses will use the standard Pause Match Timer.

A few bugfixes finish off the patch, as well as the Replication game mode

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Alistar Barratt

English Nerd, Linguistics Enthusiast, Meme Connoisseur, Coffee Reliant. Alistar is here to bring some freshly-baked news for your reading pleasure!