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Platinum showed new gameplay of Babylon's Fall

Platinum showed new gameplay of Babylon's Fall

The next project from Nier Automata's creators, Babylon's Fall, is another hack and slash with bombastic combat.

Platinum showed new gameplay of Babylon's Fall

In an association with Platinum Games, Square Enix revealed more details about Babylon's Fall. This title will feature co-op-combat and interesting game mechanics.

You can watch the brand new trailer, with gameplay footage and a showcase of the world's design. Plus, an extended developer interview, including director Kenji Saito, is also available.

BABYLON’S FALL | E3 2021 Trailer
BABYLON’S FALL | Developer Interview – long version –

Babylon's Fall will release on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4 and PC. There is no release date yet.

Babylon's Fall: We finally have a gameplay trailer

On the occasion of the State of Play on December 10, 2019, Square Enix and Platinum Games finally reveal the gameplay of their mysterious title: Babylon's Fall.

Axel Bosso

News writer, MGG EN | Argentinian freelance journalist. Almost a psychologist. Shameless Yakuza lover, Fighting Games enthusiast.