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Four Major Changes coming with Endwalker you can't miss

Four Major Changes coming with Endwalker you can't miss

Endwalker's release is just about a week away and some of the changes coming to Final Fantasy XIV are definitely game-changing. Here are four major updates you can't miss.

Four Major Changes coming with Endwalker you can't miss

It's almost time to get to the moon as Final Fantasy XIV's next expansion is coming in just over a week with game-changing changes, new jobs, and some very expected reworks. With so many great changes coming you might have missed some of them and Square Enix wanted to give everyone a little reminder of what's coming next Friday.

Removal of Belts

Among the most important changes coming to the game is the removal of the belts. This accessory has been around for the longest time but does not have any visual impact anymore. Because of that, the belts will officially be removed as soon as the maintenance ends so please not be scared if you can't find yours after the maintenance. You might want to remove your materias before the patch too. You can check more about this directly here.

Experience Reset

The second major update is the experience reset coming with the downscale of numbers planned for Endwalker. The goal here is to make the game runs better with smaller numbers for the HP, attack and other values. To get more information about this, please feel free to check our dedicated article.

Your experience will reset with FFXIV Endwalker Release in December

Endwalker is just a few weeks away and the Final Fantasy XIV team shared more details on how numbers will change including the experience reset that is coming.

New Scrips and Tomestones

A new update for Final Fantasy XIV means new tomestones for combat jobs and scrips for gatherers and crafters. The purple scrips are coming soon to the game and will be replacing the current white scrips. The tomestones will not be available right at the start but will be introduced in early January with the savage version of the raids. For more details here is our complete article on the subject.

FFXIV Changes for Tomestones and Scrips For Endwalker

Players only have a few weeks left to use their Tomestones and Scrips in Final Fantasy XIV before EndWalker's release and here is everything you need to know about the changes to these currencies.

HQ items removal

Inventory management isn't always easy and Square Enix decided to help with that with a major change to gathering. As of December 3, four types of HQ items will be removed from the game:

  • Items gathered via botany, mining, and fishing
  • Materials dropped by enemies
  • Materials obtained via tomestone and scrip exchange
  • Non-craftable materials obtained from certain content

Here is the complete explanation about the HQ removal if you want more details!

What to expect from Endwalker in FFXIV

Many changes are to be expected with Endwalker, both with classes and existing features. The new eight-player raid tier "Pandemonium" will also be introduced with the expansion.

While waiting for the release of this major update, which also introduces the new Reaper and Sage classes, you can take advantage of our many guides on the content already available here.

Our portal will also be updated as soon as possible with the latest information on Endwalker ahead of release, with plenty of content starting December 3.

FFXIV Trailer
FFXIV wins two awards at the Golden Joysticks

Yesterday's Golden Joystick awards ceremony saw Final Fantasy XIV win in two categories, celebrating the best community and best ongoing game.

Here's the planning for the FFXIV Endwalker Maintenance and Server Status

The release date for Endwalker is coming and here's more about the servers' downtime for Final Fantasy XIV on December 2 and 3.

Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!