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5 cult video game licenses that we would like to see land on PC!

5 cult video game licenses that we would like to see land on PC!

Not necessarily being a fan of game consoles (Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and 5 or even Xbox One and Series), there are still some exclusives that we all want to see land on PC. Discover our selection of the 5 games that we would like to see one day released on PC.

There are many games that have made players dream with their gameplay acclaimed by the press or the community. However, even if PC players have more and more access to day one novelties, there are many titles still unavailable for this gaming platform. Some can be played on an emulator, but the gaming experience is not authentic and the skills required to install them correctly on our machines are not necessarily within everyone's reach. And even then, actually having the game on PC always involves a content update or an impressive embellishment of the game, as can be seen on many remakes (Final Fantasy 7 Remake, Resident Evil 3 Remake, etc.) . So, for obvious reasons, many games are expected on PC for all gamers to enjoy some sort of revival.

There are a lot of games that deserve a port on PC, but in this article we will focus on only 5 of them. This is a selection that is personal to me, so don't hesitate to comment on the games you want to see appear on PC!



Who doesn't dream of playing or replaying all Pokémon on PC? Hunting the little monsters with our keyboard/mouse could well be a very interesting and above all pleasant experience. There is no reason to say that it is impossible, because the gameplay of Pokémon is relatively simple and does not take advantage of game mechanics that require a console. Except that Nintendo wants to contain its players on its game platforms (Wii, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo DS, Game Boy, etc.) and seems reluctant to share its licenses with Microsoft. Which is a shame ; because whether or not there is a graphical overhaul or any embellishment of the first generations, players would be more than happy to see Pokémon officially arrive on PC.

I see you coming, you're going to tell me that it's already possible with many emulators, but it's not an official version. There is a big debate on this subject "is it good or bad to play on an emulator?". Here, it's a question of ethics, because often emulators are pirated versions of games, so it's not really legal. But if it is a question of abandonware, that is a completely different question which nevertheless remains debatable. Nowadays, it is difficult to find the original Yellow, Gold or Silver versions at reasonable prices and this is explained by their rarity.

Even if the games are at affordable prices, it is still annoying to have to buy all the consoles to run each generation: Game Boy, Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advanced, Nintendo DS, Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo Switch. Those who don't have an acute collection needn't bother with so many consoles. This is why older generations can be found very easily on the PC and at ridiculous prices, but illegally. However, nothing prevents a port on PC or even on Nintendo Switch could allow young and old to (re) discover the beginnings of what we were Pokémon. However, this is just a dream that will never come true.

Indeed, Nintendo may never take the plunge and players may well have some kind of attachment to this portable version of the consoles that has been Nintendo's trademark for years now.

Demons Souls (2020)


While players had all sold or thrown away their PlayStation 3s, the Demon's Souls title got a remake. A godsend for nostalgics and for those who wish to know the precursor of the Souls genre. However, it wasn't him who brought popularity to the genre, it was actually Dark Souls. When comparing Demon's Souls (PS3) to other Souls, there are many issues; the bosses are relatively simple, the mechanics are classic and the story of the latter is much less advanced than its little brothers. Not to mention that the quality of life mattered very little to the developers at this time, so the frustration was at its maximum. However, it remains a classic, a title that will have opened the doors to a genre that is becoming more and more democratized, especially thanks to Elden Ring. Despite its issues, it had to start somewhere, and the reviews were heeded, as Dark Souls came out and became iconic.

In 2020, Demon's Souls has a remake that brings a plethora of novelty that has something to make veterans of the genre dream of: new weapons and armor, new rings, grains, magnified visuals, corrections on the combat system, a new soundtrack, etc. Except that this new version of Demon's Souls is exclusive to the PlayStation 5... FromSoftware seems to like hurting its PC players! While everyone's dream is to see a PC version of Souls, consoles are once again the stars. This remake allows a native resolution in 4K with 30 FPS or even better, a dynamic resolution in 4K with 60 FPS... A fantasy for players who do not have a PlayStation 5.

For all Souls lovers, the arrival of Demon's Souls on PC would actually be a victory, but the war will not necessarily be won, because a title from FromSoftware is long overdue on PC. And this expectation brings tears of blood.



Just before, I told you about blood and it's no coincidence, because one of my dreams would be to see Bloodborne arrive on PC for many reasons. From a purely personal point of view, I would like our fighter's movements to be much less rigid. This is a point that can be widely debated, as the gameplay is already excellent, but that is a matter of taste, I would say. But there is one point that everyone can agree on: a graphic overhaul. After seeing Demon's Souls having its remake, of course hope began to arise again! After seeing the ancestor get a little beauty, we want to see Bloodborne get the same preferential treatment.

For me, I would like this remake to also be available on PC, because PlayStation 5 consoles are still hard to find. The component shortage seems to be still present and it's not tomorrow that I'm going to get my console. This remake of Bloodborne could also signal the arrival of a DLC, with new bosses to defeat, new areas to discover and a new side to the story to discover. The possibilities are enormous and Bloodborne is one of the Souls that is of particular interest to players.

Thus, it would be interesting to see Bloodborne arrive on PC, but in a magnified version so that FromSoftware neophytes discover what the real difficulty of a Souls is and the magnificence of a sordid and bloody universe.

Zelda Breath of the Wild


One of the biggest pains for PC gamers is the absence of Zelda Breath of the Wild on this platform. Of course, just like for Pokémon, the game is available on emulators. But, only your conscience will be able to make the choice to play it anyway knowing that it is a practice which is not really legal if you do not have an original copy of the game. So, for all the people who do not do not have Zelda Breath of the Wild on Nintendo Switch and who are not necessarily gifted in computer hacking, this game would greatly deserve a port on PC.

Its success is such that many people have undoubtedly bought a Wii U (at the time) or a Nintendo Switch to try their hand at this open world nugget. The possibilities are immense and the points of interest to discover are relevant. With the graphics quality of the game, any computer could well run Zelda Breath of the Wild and the success would, without a doubt, be historic on PC.

However, we have noticed it for Pokémon: Nintendo wants to keep the monopoly of portable consoles and does not yet seem ready to share its large licenses with Microsoft. Thus, we will probably never see a PC port for this opus, but hope is always present.

Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart


If there is a showcase game for the PlayStation 5 that deserves a PC port, my choice focuses on Demon's Soul and Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart. The technique is such that we find ourselves having eyes that shine as the quality of animation and the choice of colorimetry are good. The wide arsenal of weapons available to the player is a trademark of the Ratchet & Clank license and you will have something for everyone. Indeed, it is even more than twenty weapons that are present in the game and which all have their own gameplay that can satisfy all players. The game is generous and offers a breathtaking achievement.

With an excellent computer, players will be able to take advantage of absent loading times with the transition to temporal rifts and optimized cutscenes that allow the player to never find himself faced with a waiting time where he will be inactive. So, to share this experience with others, it would be interesting to see this showcase game make its appearance on PC one day.

To close this article, know that these desires are only dreams, because there is little chance that these titles will appear on PC. However, we are never safe from a nice surprise for this year 2023 and who knows perhaps that highly anticipated titles will finally arrive on PC for the greatest pleasure of a wide category of players.

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Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!