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LoL, League of Legends: PBE, Patch 9.14 will be delayed by one week

LoL, League of Legends: PBE, Patch 9.14 will be delayed by one week

You were wondering why Teamfight Tactics is collapsing under patches while League of Legends seems to be forgotten? Don't worry, the 9.14 Patch is coming, but it will be delayed by one week — causing it to be released three weeks after the 9.13 Patch.

LoL, League of Legends: PBE, Patch 9.14 will be delayed by one week

It's almost noon, your break time, and you decide to play your first League of Legends game of the day. And since the last patch was released just two weeks ago, you launch your client earlier to do your update in a hurry so you don't have to wait when you'll start your game. And there, no patch, no update, nothing.

Don't worry, patch 9.14 is scheduled for July 17th, in a short week so. Riot had announced it at the beginning of the season, some patches would be more spaced than others.

See the image on Twitter


League of Legends

The 9.14 Patch should be quite heavy in terms of champion balancing and bring the new anti-shield mechanism (check Renekton and Blitzcrank's updates). Be sure to check our dedicated article to grasp all the details of this new update!

Teamfight Tactics

You just missed all the previous updates? Changes have been coming thick and fast on the Board!

July 03

  • Item Drop Changes: you will now be GUARANTEED to get at least one item during each creeps wave.
  • Ranked Mode: GET YOUR GEAR READY, IT'S GOING TO BE MADNESS — especially because we will probably break the servers. Do you plan on becoming a super TFT legend? Then you have only one week to train: make it count!
  • 51st Champion: Twisted Fate, the Pirate/Sorcerer is joining the Battlefield!
  • A LOT of different balances and changes for both items and champions: Pyke has been nerfed and Yordles got buffed

July 08

  • Four-Stars & Zero-Stars Champions are now a thing: thanks to the rework of the Guardian Angel and the Cursed Blade, we will soon see some Four-Stars Vayne sprinkle the Battlefield with Silver Bolts.
  • Elise is now viable: shifted from Uncommon to Common rarity, Elise's Spiderlings will now apply on-hit effects. Juicy!
  • Item Balances: in addition to Locket of the Iron Solari and Zeke's Herald's nerf, Spatula's Items are targeted for a rework. However, Warmog's Armor, Frozen Heart, and Guinsoo's Rageblade have finally been buffed!
Thomas Sauzin
Thomas "Calo" Sauzin

Head of Portal League of Legends 🇫🇷 — Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo

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