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Check out new Fortnite v10.30 update

Check out new Fortnite v10.30 update

The v10.30 update is available. All the changes, balances and new features contained in the patch notes are to be found in this article.

Check out new Fortnite v10.30 update

A little late, the Fortnite v10.30 patch has finally arrived in game! On the program, the return of Greasy Grove, the arrival of Moisty Palms, a new temporary game mode and various changes.

New zones

Greasy Groove and Moisty Palms back in Fortnite!

Greasy Grove and Moisty Palms are the new rift zones found in the desert and snow biomes. Find these emblematic places of Fortnite!


Knock Town

New temporary mode "Knock Town" in patch notes 10.30

Knock Town is a new temporary mode from Fortnite in which players can use the grappler to jump everywhere.



  • Burst SMG


  • Tactical SMG (Also: now available in Playground!)

Bug Fixes

  • Players impulsed by a Shockwave Grenade will no longer destroy a nearby trap without first destroying the building piece it is attached to.
  • The Zapper Trap’s info card now shows the appropriate 4 stars (indicating Epic Rarity) rather than 2 (indicating Uncommon Rarity).
  • Resolved an issue in which the Zapper Trap would not build properly when thrown on slopes or uneven terrain.
  • B.R.U.T.E.s will now be launched away if they touch the Floating Island’s Cube.
  • The B.R.U.T.E.’s Stomp attacks now deal consistent damage to other vehicles. Previously, they would deal either double or triple damage to other vehicles.
  • The color of the B.R.U.T.E.’s cooldown meter now updates properly to correspond with the cooldown value.


Moisty Palms

  • The Rift Beacon at Paradise Palms has created this new POI! In addition to its swampy nature, this Rift Zone is known for being a good place to keep a low profile.
  • While in the Rift Zone, crouching will disguise players as a random prop. They can exit the prop state by using the Primary Fire button.
  • Players are still able to take damage while in prop form.
  • ADS lets players lock in place and look around for unsuspecting victims.

Greasy Grove

  • A Rift Zone has brought back Greasy Grove! But this time, Durrr Burger is out, and Tacos are in!
  • Periodically, Spicy Tacos will rain down from the sky. Their smell is so overwhelmingly appetizing that players in the Zone can’t help but dance!
  • While dancing, players are invulnerable to damage from others and will regenerate health at 20 HP per second.
  • Dancing does not block Storm Damage or regenerate Health in the Storm.
  • Spicy Tacos can be consumed for 10 Effective Health (sum of a player’s Health + Shield) and a temporary increase in movement speed (40% increase for 20 seconds).The Spicy Tacos don’t last long — grab them before they expire!
  • Community Choice: players will get to vote on what’s featured in the Item Shop!
  • The first community vote starts this week. For more information about Community Choice, check out our blog post.

Bug Fixes

  • POIs no longer load at different distances depending on the angle of approach.
  • Resolved an issue in which players would enter edit mode for a building piece that their reticle was not on.
  • Reviving a squadmate no longer causes the reviver to get disconnected.


Bug Fixes

  • Resolved an issue in which players were able to damage each other on the Playground Hub.


  • Improved the performance of Shield Bubble collisions.


  • When players’ characters are near a wall, they will lower their weapon while in their idle pose.
  • This is to reduce instances in which the hands of players’ characters appear through walls.

Bug Fixes

  • Changed the lace color of the Jets 2019 - 2020 NFL Outfit from white to green to accurately match the real uniforms.
  • The Flowerprint wrap no longer appears incorrectly on assault and sniper rifles.
  • Damaging a tree no longer places a rock texture on its leaves or causes its wood texture to become transparent.


  • Lowered the volume of the open and close sounds of teammates’ Gliders by 50%.

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved an issue in which the Battle Bus’ audio would be silent for a short period of time.


Bug Fixes

  • Sending feedback during a replay no longer causes players to get stuck in the Player Reporting or Feedback menu.
  • Eliminating another player using a Junk Rift Triceratops will now indicate that they were sent to the Cretaceous period in the elimination feed.
  • Previously, the elimination feed would say that they were sent to the Jurassic period, but Triceratops only existed during the Cretaceous period. We apologize for this Tyrannosaurus Wreck of an oversight.


  • Resolved an issue in which mouse controls would not function properly in some replays.
  • Going near ammo no longer causes the “Can’t hold more of this item!” message to appear when this action is shown in replays.


New Settings

  • Building and Editing
  • Players can now adjust the touch sensitivity settings for both building and editing.
  • Toggle Targeting Sets targeting to be an on/off toggle or a hold.Turning this setting off will require players to hold the ADS to aim. The setting is turned on by default.
  • Toggle Aim setting now includes touch as well as controllers on mobile.
  • Edit Confirm On Release.
  • This setting will allow players to confirm an edit anytime they release their edit selection.
  • Touch Acceleration multiplier A value of 1 will have full touch look acceleration, and a value of 0 will have no touch look acceleration.
  • This is is not synonymous with sensitivity. Lower values do not necessarily translate to slower look speeds.

New Button

  • Edit Select Reset buttonThis button is located in the HUD Layout Tool.
  • This will reset the edit state of build pieces upon opening them for editing.
  • Added 60 FPS support to the iPhone X.
  • Updated autofire reticle to increase visibility when against high value surfaces.
  • Autofire adjustments to Drum and Tactical Shotgun.Reduced max autofire range to match effective range of projectiles.

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved an issue in which weapons would fire automatically after placing a trap.
  • Vending Machines no longer give the incorrect item when using touch input.
  • Known issue: Players using the dedicated pickup button may still receive the wrong item. We are working to resolve this.
  • Team Elimination count will show the accurate amount of eliminations.
  • Fixed an unopenable chest located northeast of the frozen lake in Greasy Grove.
  • Corrected mislabeled B.R.U.T.E. buttons on the HUD.
  • Emoting while driving a B.R.U.T.E. won’t mute all sounds and will not lead to a crash.
  • Closing the Settings menu while still scrolling won’t make it impossible to scroll again when reopening it.
  • Maximum Audio Volume achievable on Android is higher.
  • SFX will now play when shots are fired from the Storm Sniper, Green Assault Rifle, Silenced Pistol, and Hand Cannon.
  • Quick Heal button won’t persist after using the last healing item while in the Storm. It also won’t disappear upon entering the Storm.
  • Low-end devices can see the writing on World Cup trophies.
  • Fire Mode screen will not display pink tiles on Android.
  • In Team Rumble, quick slot input won’t be blocked by the Goal and Elimination counters.
  • We’ve made some graphical and audio improvements for the following:Battle Bus, Synapse Outfit, B.R.U.T.E. Navigator Outfit, Glow Stick Harvesting Tool, Renegade Roller Harvesting Tool, Axeroni Harvesting Tool, Sparkle Supreme Outfit, Laser Pick Harvesting Tool, Lollipopper Harvesting Tool, Star-Spangled Ranger Outfit, Freestyle Outfit during Emote animations, Rift Edge Harvesting Tool, Shifu Outfit, Dynamo Outfit
  • The AC/DC Harvesting Tool will play the proper SFX in the Locker.
  • Detonator Backbling will now show on players when equipped.
  • Mauler Pickaxe will show swing trail.


From hotfix on September 5

  • Made some balance adjustments. The details of these adjustments can be found in our blog post.

From hotfix on September 6

  • Teammates' arrow markers will no longer disappear in large team modes when the teammates are still visible.

From hotfix on September 6

  • Temporarily disabled Ziplines to resolve an issue.We plan to have this issue resolved in the next update.



Heroes & Villains

Show off your allegiance to good or evil with four new Prefabs. Assemble a hero’s mansion or develop your diabolical villain lair.

Vending Machine

Long awaited. Set and customize Vending Machines to match your game.


Class Devices

  • A highly configurable set of devices that allow you to create your own player classes with unique traits.


  • The My Island settings screen has been updated in terms of layout and visuals. The screen now appears as a tab in the main in-game menu but can also be accessed in the same way as it can be now.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where players would occasionally be disconnected when their island saved.
  • Fixed an issue where an island would be invisible and players would be left floating.


  • Added new options to My Island settings:
  • Default Class Identifier: Sets the default Class assigned to players at the start of each round.
  • None, 1-16 (Default: None).
  • Revert Player Class To Default When: Determines when a player’s Class should be reverted to the default Class.
  • Round Ended, Game Ended, Player Eliminated (Default: Game Ended).

Bug Fixes

  • Temporarily removed keybind blocking when Allow Building is set to Off since this was breaking trap placement on some existing islands.
  • Fixed an issue where the game would end immediately if Last Standing was set to On and one team had infinite spawns.
  • Fixed an issue where entering a vehicle that was on top of a rift could cause players to lose some movement functionality after teleporting.
  • Players will no longer get stuck respawning when returning to the hub after spectating in game.
  • Fixed an issue where players were unable to cancel their prop gun disguise if they tried to cancel while colliding with another object.


  • Added the Legendary Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle to the Creative Inventory.
  • Added the Rare Pistol to the Creative Inventory.
  • Added the Zapper Trap to the Creative Inventory.

Bug Fixes

  • Flags will no longer remain in a player’s inventory after elimination.


  • Added 4 New Prefabs.Villain Lair
  • Decayed Villain Lair
  • Hero Mansion
  • Decayed Hero Mansion
  • Added 6 New Galleries.Villain Lair Gallery
  • Decayed Villain Lair Gallery
  • Hero Mansion Gallery
  • Decayed Hero Mansion Gallery
  • Gray Cliff Grass Gallery
  • Hero/Villain Prop Gallery
  • Added the Dark Purple Car to Car Gallery B.
  • Added a Bat Swarm Particle to Particles Gallery B.

Bug Fixes

  • Changed some crates in the Container Complex Prefab to make them no longer searchable.


  • Added a second way to access the My Island settings menu from the Creative Inventory. You can now open the menu and start a game just as quick as you can select a device to place on your island.
  • Added a Clear Items button to the following devices to remove all inventory items previously dropped on the device: Capture Area, Capture Item Spawner, and Class Designer. This will be rolled out to more devices in future releases.

Bug Fixes

  • The UI now displays a warning when a player has reached a device limit.
  • Players are able to remove an island with the same name as the currently loaded island.
  • The scrolling speed on certain inventory tabs is consistent.


  • Increased the number of available Trigger channels from 32 to 50 and the number of available Receivers from 40 to 50.
  • Added Class Designer device.This allows players to define custom player Classes.
  • Each device configures the settings and starting inventory for a single Class.Drop inventory items onto the device to define the starting inventory for the Class.
  • Use in conjunction with the Class Selector device to use Classes during Play mode.
  • Class Name: Specifies a display name for the corresponding Class to be used throughout the UI.
  • Class Identifier: Determines the Class this device’s settings will apply to.None, 1-16 (Default: None).
  • Grant On Respawn: Sets whether the device grants its items to players when they respawn after elimination.On, Off (Default: Off).
  • Visible During Games: On, Off (Default: Off).
  • Bonus Ammo For Weapons: On, Off (Default: On).
  • Starting Health: 1% Health, 50% Health, 100% Health, Invincible, Do Not Override (Default: Do Not Override).
  • Max Health: 1 Health, 25 Health, 75 Health, 100 Health, 200 Health, 500 Health, 1000 Health, 2000 Health, 10000 Health, Do Not Override (Default: Do Not Override).
  • Starting Shields: Empty Shields, 50% Shields, 100% Shields, Do Not Override (Default: Do Not Override).
  • Max Shields: No Shields, 25 Shields, 50 Shields, 75 Shields, 100 Shields, 200 Shields, 500 Shields, 1000 Shields, 2000 Shields, 10000 Shields, Do Not Override (Default: Do Not Override).
  • Instant Reload: On, Off, Do Not Override (Default: Do Not Override).
  • Infinite Ammo: On, Off, Do Not Override (Default: Do Not Override).
  • Infinite Resources: On, Off, Do Not Override (Default: Do Not Override).
  • Keep Items When Eliminated: Drop, Keep, Delete, Do Not Override (Default: Do Not Override).
  • Keep Resources When Eliminated: Drop, Keep, Delete, Do Not Override (Default: Do Not Override).
  • Fall Damage: On, Off, Do Not Override (Default: Do Not Override).
  • Gravity: Very Low, Low, Normal, High, Very High, Do Not Override (Default: Do Not Override).
  • Jump Fatigue: On, Off, Do Not Override (Default: Do Not Override).
  • Player Flight: On, Off, Do Not Override (Default: Do Not Override).
  • Player Names & Location: Always Show, Always Hide, Do Not Override (Default: Do Not Override).
  • Glider Redeploy: On, Off, Do Not Override (Default: Do Not Override).
  • Down But Not Out: Default, On, Off, Do Not Override (Default: Do Not Override).
  • Allow Building: On, Off, Do Not Override (Default: Do Not Override).
  • Respawn Time: 1-30 Seconds, Do Not Override (Default: Do Not Override).
  • Spawns: Infinite, 1-10, Do Not Override (Default: Do Not Override).
  • Health Granted on Elimination: 0, 10, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000, Do Not Override (Default: Do Not Override).
  • Wood Granted on Elimination: 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 100, 250, Do Not Override (Default: Do Not Override).
  • Stone Granted on Elimination: 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 100, 250, Do Not Override (Default: Do Not Override).
  • Metal Granted on Elimination: 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 100, 250, Do Not Override (Default: Do Not Override).
  • Maximum Building Resources: 0, 100, 150, 200, 300, 400, 450, 500, 750, 999, 2000, Do Not Override (Default: Do Not Override).
  • Allow Item Drop: Yes, No, Do Not Override (Default: Do Not Override).
  • Allow Item Pick Up: Yes, No, Do Not Override (Default: Do Not Override).
  • Harvest Rate: 0x, 0.1x, 0.5x, 1x, 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x, 10x, Do Not Override (Default: Do Not Override).
  • Spawn Immunity Time: 0 Seconds, 1 Second, 2 Seconds, 5 Seconds, 10 Seconds, 20 Seconds, 30 Seconds, 40 Seconds, 50 Seconds, 1
  • Minute, 2 Minutes, 5 Minutes, 10 Minutes, Do Not Override (Default: Do Not Override).

Added Class Selector device

  • This creates a zone that switches players to a specific Class.
  • Class Identifier: Determines which Class players will switch to when they enter the zone. If set to None, players entering the zone will revert to having no Class.None, 1-16 (Default: None).
  • Team: Determines which team can activate the device.Any, 1-16 (Default: Any).
  • Time To Switch: Sets the time the player needs remain within the device’s zone before a Class switch will be applied to the player. Instant, 1 Second, 2 Seconds, 3 Seconds, 4 Seconds, 5 Seconds, 6 Seconds, 7 Seconds, 8 Seconds, 9 Seconds, 10 Seconds, 15 Seconds, 20 Seconds (Default: 3 Seconds).
  • Respawn Player On Switch: Determines whether the device will force a respawn after setting the player to a new Class.On, Off (Default: Off).
  • Size Of Volume: 0.5 Meters, 1 Meter, 2 Meters, 3 Meters, 4 Meters, 5 Meters, 10 Meters, 15 Meters, 20 Meters, 30 Meters, 40 Meters, 50 Meters (Default: 1 Meter).
  • Volume Visible In Game: Determines whether the device’s zone is visible during the game.On, Off (Default: On).
  • Visible In Game: Determines whether the device is visible during the game.On, Off (Default: On).
  • Accent Color: Team Color, White, Sky Blue, Red-Orange, Golden, Apple Green, Fuchsia, Orange, Aquamarine, Beige, Purple, Neon Green, Cerulean, Silver, Aqua, Pink, Green (Default: Aqua).
  • Enabled: Will be enabled during these game phases.Disabled, Enabled, Pre-Game Only, Gameplay Only (Default: Gameplay Only).
  • Transmitter Support:When Class Switched Transmit On: Transmits a signal on the selected channel when a player switches to a Class through this device.No Channel, 1-50 (Default: No Channel).
  • Receiver Support:Enable When Receiving From: No Channel, 1-50 (Default: No Channel).
  • Disable When Receiving From: No Channel, 1-50 (Default: No Channel).
  • Change Player To Class when Receiving From: Changes the instigating player to the Class specified by this device on receiving a signal from the selected channel.No Channel, 1-50 (Default: No Channel).

Added Custom Vending Machines

  • This allows players to place a Vending Machine and customize which items can be purchased based on material costs.
  • Drop Items next to the Vending Machine after placing it to add them to the device. Items will become accessible to players in the order they are added to the Vending Machine.
  • The first item registered will consume Wood resources from the player’s inventory to purchase, the second will consume Stone and the third will consume Metal.
  • Cost of First Item in Wood: No Cost, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200, 220, 240, 260, 280, 300, 320, 340, 360, 380, 400, 420, 440, 460, 480, 500, 550, 600, 650, 700, 800, 900, 999 (Default: No Cost).
  • Cost of Second Item in Stone: No Cost, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200, 220, 240, 260, 280, 300, 320, 340, 360, 380, 400, 420, 440, 460, 480, 500, 550, 600, 650, 700, 800, 900, 999 (Default: No Cost).
  • Cost of Third Item in Metal: No Cost, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200, 220, 240, 260, 280, 300, 320, 340, 360, 380, 400, 420, 440, 460, 480, 500, 550, 600, 650, 700, 800, 900, 999 (Default: No Cost).
  • Bonus Ammo for Weapons: On, Off (Default: On).
  • Enabled on Game Start: Enabled, Disabled (Default: Enabled).
  • Receiver Support.Enable When Receiving From: No Channel, 1-50 (Default: No Channel).
  • Disable When Receiving From: No Channel, 1-50 (Default: No Channel).
  • Spawn Item When Receiving From: No Channel, 1-50 (Default: No Channel).
  • Cycle to Next Item When Receiving From: No Channel, 1-50 (Default: No Channel).
  • Transmitter Support.When Item Spawned Transmit On: No Channel, 1-50 (Default: No Channel).
  • Added Trigger & Receiver options to the Capture Item Spawner.Transmitter Support:When Item Dropped Transmit On: Transmits a signal on the selected channel when the Capture Item has been dropped.No Channel, 1-50 (Default: No Channel).
  • When Item Captured Transmit On: Transmits a signal on the selected channel when the Capture Item is “captured” at a Capture Area.No Channel, 1-50 (Default: No Channel).
  • Receiver Support:Enable When Receiving From: No Channel, 1-50 (Default: No Channel).
  • Disable When Receiving From: No Channel, 1-50 (Default: No Channel).
  • Added New HUD and Text options to the Ball Spawner device. This allows you to show players where the ball is via a Badge Icon, as well as giving the ability to add visible text depending on team assignments in game.
  • HUD Icon: None, Badge Style (Default: None).
  • Friendly Team: All Neutral, Any, 1-16, All Hostile (Default: All Neutral).
  • Team Visibility: Any, 1-16, All Hostile, All Neutral, All Friendly (Default: Any).
  • HUD Icon Identifier: None, A-D, W-Z (Default: None).
  • Requires Line of Sight: Yes, No (Default: Yes).
  • Hide HUD Icon At: 2m, 5m, 10m, 15m, 20m, 30m, 50m, 100m, 150m, 200m, 250m, 500m (Default: 20m).
  • Hostile Icon Text Field: Specifies text to display to Hostile players.
  • Friendly Icon Text Field: Specifies text to display to Friendly players.
  • Neutral Icon Text Field: Specifies text to display to Neutral players.
  • HUD Text Size: 1x, 1.5x, 2x (Default: 1x).
  • Receiver Support: Hide HUD On Received From: No Channel, 1-50 (Default: No Channel).
  • Show HUD On Received From: No Channel, 1-50 (Default: No Channel).
  • Added a new option to the Item Spawner device. Continuously Spawn Items: Allows additional items to keep spawning even if previously spawned items are still in play.On, Off (Default: Off).
  • Added new option to the Team Settings & Inventory device.Default Class Identifier: Sets the default Class assigned to players on the selected Team at the start of each round.None, 1-16, Do Not Override (Default: Do Not Override).
  • Added new option to Basic Storm Controller and Advanced Storm Controller devices.On Finish Behavior: Determines what should happen to the storm when it finishes its final phase. Stay, Destroy Instantly, Destroy in 5 Seconds, Destroy in 10 seconds, Destroy in 15 seconds, Destroy in 30 seconds, Destroy in 60 seconds, Destroy in 2 minutes, Destroy in 3 minutes, Destroy in 4 minutes, Destroy in 5 minutes (Default: Stay)
  • Added a new option to the Creature Manager device.Movement Speed: Very Slow, Slow, Fast, Very Fast (Default: Fast).
  • Added new values to the Time From Round Start option in the HUD Message Device.6 minutes, 7 minutes, 8 minutes, 9 minutes, 10 minutes.
  • Added new options to the Capture Area Device.Enabled on Phase: All, Pre-Game Only, Gameplay Only, None (Default: All)
  • Enable when Receiving From: No Channel, Channel 1 - 16 (Default: No Channel)
  • Disable when Receiving From: No Channel, Channel 1 - 16 (Default: No Channel)
  • Consume Item on Scoring: Yes, No (Default: Yes)
  • Consume Item when Dropped: Yes, No (Default: Yes)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where consumables were not properly collected when spawned by the Item Spawner device with 'Run over pickup' enabled.
  • Allow Building Damage option in the Team Settings device now overrides the My Island settings correctly.
  • Disabled aim assist on Ball Spawner balls.
  • Players will no longer see a red box visible in game after placing a Random Number Generator device.
  • The Storm Circle from the Advanced Storm Controller will not return to being visible after fully closing in game.
  • Fixed an issue where Sentries would still be able to fire at players while inside a Weapon Free Zone.
  • Fixed an issue where the Warm-up Only setting on the Barrier Device would not work prior to game start.
  • Fixed an issue where the When Item Picked Up Transmit On transmitter on the Capture Item Spawner device wouldn’t transmit when the Capture Item in use was the Flag.
  • Item Spawner previews now accurately reflect the Set Item Scale option.
  • Fixed an issue with Explosive Device proximity being triggered when the game starts.
  • Fixed an issue where the Capture Area was not consuming items when it became enabled.
  • Fixed an issue where the Capture Area was pulsing but no score was being granted.
  • Fixed an issue where the Particles inside large Capture Areas became invisible when moving away from the center.
  • Fixed an issue with Team Visibility settings for the Explosive Barrel.
  • Fixed an issue where the Explosive Barrel could be destroyed while in the warmup phase.
  • Fixed an issue where damage particles were visible when hitting an invisible Objective Device.
Leaks reveal what is coming in Fortnite v10.30

As always, upcoming skins and cosmetics from Fortnite update 10.30 have leaked ahead of time. Will any persuade you to part with your V-Bucks?

Clémence LEMOAL
Clémence "Idril" Lemoal

La Anton Ego du jeu vidéo.